A NeoVim plugin with a simple interface for the cppman cli tool, allowing you to easily search cplusplus.com and cppreference.com without ever leaving neovim.
Plugin inspired by vim-cppman
Install using packer. Note that nui.nvim is a requirement.
-- cppman
use {
requires = {
{ 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim' }
config = function()
local cppman = require"cppman"
-- Make a keymap to open the word under cursor in CPPman
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cm", function()
-- Open search box
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cc", function()
Run :CPPMan
without any arguments to get a search prompt or with an argument to search for a term: :CPPMan std::array
Once the manual has been open it's possible to navigate through the documentation using the same keybindings of the standalone cppman program, in normal mode:
- K, <C-]> and <2-LeftMouse>: allows to follow the word under cursor
- <C-T> and <RightMouse>: go back to the previous page