This plugin emulates the functionality found in digital audio work stations such as Ableton where a user may select a synth and press they computer keyboard's keys to play the synth. Except, this is a million times more cool because it is NeoVim and SuperCollider.
- Nvim >= v0.7
- scnvim
- Using packer.nvim
use { 'madskjeldgaard/nvim-supercollider-piano' }
- Using vim-plug
Plug 'madskjeldgaard/nvim-supercollider-piano'
Load the extension after the call to scnvim.setup
Play your chosen synthdef
Play a particular midinote (33)
:SCNvimExt 33
Optionally, you can use a particular duration in the command as well (0.75
in this case):
:SCNvimExt 63 0.75
This uses the \default
synth by default. To use your own, make a SynthDef:
SynthDef(\mycoolsynth,{|out=0, amp=0.5, freq=444|
var sig = *;, sig)
Then set it as the SynthDef used by piano (note that the forward slash in \mycoolsynth
and/or the single quotes in 'mycoolsynth'
are removed when you call it in the set command):
:SCNvimExt piano.set mycoolsynth
Now, the synth being used is \mycoolsynth
:SCNvimExt 33
You can use piano.midi to play arbitrary MIDIdefs.
Arguments are: midinote duration channel.
:SCNvimExt piano.midi 48 0.5 0
Example mapping of F5
vim.keymap.set("n", "<F5>", ":SCNvimExt piano.midi 48 0.5 0<CR>")
Example MIDIdefs in SuperCollider
MIDIdef.noteOn(\myNoteOn, {
("on " ++ [num,chan]).postln;
MIDIdef.noteOff(\myNoteOff, {
("off " ++ [num,chan]).postln;
The extension will receive its own configuration as well as the user config. It is acceptable to modify the user config if necessary, and some extensions might only be a "preset" of a user config.
The extension's own configuration is defined in the table given to scnvim.setup
extensions = {
piano = {
default_synth = [['mycoolsynth']]
note_dur = 0.5