
MVC framework for building web applications in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple framework for building web applications in nodejs, it follows a mvc approach an is using familiar conventions you see in many PHP frameworks. The structure of this project is inspired by the two PHP frameworks Zend and Kohana.

File structure

The basic file structure:

|-- application/
|   |-- config/
|   |   |-- production.js
|	|-- logs/
|	|-- controllers/
|   |   |-- index.js
|   |-- models/
|	|-- plugins/
|   |-- views/
|   |   |-- layouts/
|   |   |   |-- template.ejs
|   |   |-- pages/
|   |   |   |-- view.ejs
|   |   |-- partials/
|-- node_modules/
|	|-- contentcube/
|	|-- (node packages)
|-- public
|   |-- javascript/
|   |-- css/

Modular structure

Using the modular structure your application have a way to structure sub-applications, this is useful for example having a web page module, and a administrator module, this keeps a nice separation between the two different responsibilities they serve.

|-- application/
|   |-- config/
|   |   |-- production.js
|	|-- logs/
|   |-- **modules/**
|   |   |-- **default/**
|	|   |   |-- controllers/
|   |   |   |   |-- index.js
|   |   |   |-- models/
|	|	|	|-- plugins/
|   |   |   |-- views/
|   |   |   |   |-- layouts/
|   |   |   |   |   |-- template.ejs
|   |   |   |   |-- pages/
|   |   |   |   |   |-- view.ejs
|   |   |-- **admin/**
|	|   |   |-- controllers/
|   |   |   |-- models/
|   |   |   |-- views/
|   |   |   |   |-- layouts/
|   |   |   |   |-- pages/
|-- node_modules/
|	|-- contentcube/
|	|-- (node packages)
|-- public
|   |-- javascript/
|   |-- css/


There are three ways a request can be routed.

  1. By configuration.
  2. By convention without modules.
  3. By convention with modules.

By configuration.

The configuration file allows you to specify a exact map between a URL and a module / controller / action. See the configuration file for examples.

By convention without modules.

The standard convention is to split the url request up into these parts.


if either the action-name or controller-name is not specified the router will use default values found in the configuration routing.defaultControllerName and routing.defaultActionName

By convention with modules.

If the configuration system.modulesEnabled is true then it attempts to use the first part of the url as module name.


If the :module-name doesnt match a folder in /application/modules/ then it will route using the "By convention without modules" ruleset.

The default module does not need to specify its modulename in the url, meaning


is the same as


Static content

All files placed inside the public/ folder can be requested directly from the browser. Static file serving always has higher priority than routing a request, so if possible the system will attempt to handle the request by serving a file inside the public/ folder.


Will serve the file


Using nginx for providing static content.

If you rather have nginx handle the process of serving static content, you should set the configuration system.serveStaticContent to false.

Request object

The standard http.ServerRequest provided by nodejs is extended, and provides these extra features:

GET variables

Easy access to the variables sent by GET.

// if GET `hello` is present then return value, else return `null`
// if GET `hello` is present then return value, else return `fallbackValue`
request.get('hello', fallbackValue);
// returns a name / value map with all the GET variables.

Post variables

The convention for post variables is exactly the same as GET.

request.post('name', fallbackValue);

File uploads

The framework uses the formidable module, all files received will be available as formidable.File objects

request.files(); // all files in a name - value map.

Client infomation

Get infomation about the client doing the request.


These are the values provided about the client.

	'remote-address': /* IP address */,
	'remote-port': ,


Cookies can be accessed thru the request object

// returns the value of cookie_name if present, else returns the value of the second parameter.
request.cookie('cookie_name', 'n/a'); 
request.cookie(); // returns a name-value map of all cookies.

To set a cookie use the response object

response.setCookie('cookie_name', 'value', /* lifetime */ 60, /* domain */ null, /* path */ null);

And to remove an existing cookie use

response.removeCookie('cookie_name', 'domain', 'path');


Controllers are stored in 'application/controllers/' they should always inherit from the 'system/contentncube/controller.js'. The naming convention is that controller filenames should always be lowercase.


Would result in a call to:

var controller = require("/application/controllers/users.js");

Notice that actions are always suffixed with 'Action'


The framework allows for simple injection of functionality thru the concept of "web-hooks". The global Application object contains a property called emitter, this is a extended implementation of the events.Emitter. The system will wait for the registered hooks to finish before proceeding.

global.application.emitter.on("routing:before", function(request, response) {
	console.log("About to route: " + request.url);
	this(); // always trigger the callback when finished.

global.application.emitter.removeListener('routing:before'); // remove all listeners for routing:before.

The following list all receive a request and a response object as arguments in their hook function.

  • routing:before Called before any routing takes place.

  • routing:after Called after routing has executed.

  • dispatch:before Called just before the controller is initialized.

  • dispatch:after Called after a controller has handled a action.

  • dispatch_loop:before Called on dispatch loop startup.

  • dispatch_loop:after Called when the dispatch loop finished. (request handled).

Controller - Hooks

You can hook in a be notified before and after a call to a action in a controller is being made. Just define the methods in your controller

// called before any action is executed.
instance.preDispatch = function() {
	this(); // remember to execute the callback.

// called after an action is executed (not if an error occured while executing the action).
instance.postDispatch = function() {
	this(); // callback


To allow the system to be as extendable as possible, without having to overwrite / extend the core Application. We introduced the concept of plugins. Plugins should be thought of as small applications running inside the main Application. They use system events and data to hook in, and add their behavior. All plugins must be derived from the contentcube/plugins/plugin module. The Application expose a method for registering plugins to the system.

// recursively loop thru all files inside the folder,
// and attempt to register them as plugins
var pathToFolder = './application/modules/examples/plugins/';

We use a plugin to run a Chat service in the examples /application/modules/examples/plugins/chat.js.

Writing a custom plugin

All plugins should be derived from the contentcube/plugins/plugin module, and overwrite the register() and unregister() methods. Here is an example of a simple plugin that hooks in and just print a console message whenever a new request is received.

// /application/modules/examples/plugins/logger.js
var base = require("contentcube/plugin/plugin");
module.exports = function LoggerPlugin(application) {
	var instance = base(application);
	// hook into the system and listen for new requests.
	instance.register = function() {
		application.httpServer.on("request", onRequestReceived);
		console.log("LoggerPlugin - registered");
	// remove itself form the system.
	instance.unregister = function() {
		application.httpServer.removeListener('request', onRequestRecevied);
		console.log("LoggerPlugin - unregistered");
	function onRequestRecevied(request, response) {
		console.log("new request: " + request.url);
	return instance;

Plugin files do not have restriction of where they should be located, but the best pratices is to put them inside their module folder, see "File structure".

Remote procedure call plugin.

The system provide a RPC implementation, that uses Socket.IO as transport layer. With this you can exposed your domain models to the client code with ease.

Exposing a server side model:

// model
var twitter = {
	findLatest: function(callback) {
		// validation / database calls etc.
		var data = [1,2,3];

Setup RPC support on the server:

application.registerPlugins(Path.join(__dirname, '/node_modules/contentcube/plugins/'), function() {
	var twitter = require("./application/modules/examples/models/twitter");
	application.plugins['rpc'].expose('twitter', twitter);

Client side implementation

// include "/javascript/module.rpc.js"
var rpc = RemoteProcedureCallCreator('http://localhost:8123');
	rpc.on('ready', function() {
		// Now the exposed methods are ready to me called.
		rpc.twitter.findLatest(function(data) {

The client side RPC object emits a couple of events that:

  • ready emitted when meta descriptions has been received and parsed. All RPC services are now ready to be used.

  • received:meta_descriptions emitted when meta descriptions has been received, but before they are parsed into rpc services.


A set of helpers is provided to both your controllers and the views you render. All views has access to a local property called _helpers.


A placeholder is simply a data container which lifetime is excatly one request. This allows components to maintain state while remaning decoupled form each other.

for example: 
	View "A": <% _helpers.placeholder('my-data').set('title', 'Hello world') %>
	View "B": <%- _helpers.placeholder('my-data').get('title') %> // returns "Hello world"

View render

Enables views to render partial views (innerviews).

<%- _helpers.renderView('partials/list_item_user.ejs', {name: 'Mads'}) %>

This will render the view and return the output. Notice this is a blocking call.


Simply a wrapper around a placeholder, that allows you to dynamicly build up a list of CSS / Javascript files to be added in the template.

<% _helpers.layout.setTitle('Hello world') %>
<% _helpers.layout.addScript('/javascript/file.js') %>
<% _helpers.layout.addStyle('/css/style.css') %>

And in your template dump the includes

		<title><%- _helpers.layout.getTitle() %></title>
		<%- _helpers.layout.getScripts() %> 
		<%- _helpers.layout.getStyles() %>


A helper to help generate urls.

// simply returns the current url
<%- _helpers.url.current() %>

// all arguments will be appended.
// `[:current-url]/test/123`
<%- _helpers.url.current('test', '123') %>

// returns the value defined in configuration `system.url` 
// arguments can be added like the `current()` method
<%- _helpers.url.baseUrl() %>

// generate a url `/examples/index/hello/user/123`
<%- _helpers.url.build({controller: 'index', action: 'hello', module: 'examples', params: ['user', '123']}) %>