
Terraform provider to configure JIRA

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



Terraform Provider for managing JIRA.

Data Sources

  • Issue Keys from JQL


  • Comments
  • Filters & Filter Permissions
  • Groups
  • Group Memberships
  • Issues
  • Issue Links
  • Issue Types
  • Issue Link Types
  • Projects
  • Project Categories
  • Project Roles
  • Roles
  • Users
  • Webhooks

This can be used to interlink infrastructure management with JIRA issues closely.

terraform-provider-jira demo


  • Download terraform-provider-jira binary from Github
  • Unzip the zip file
  • Then move terraform-provider-jira binary to $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins directory
mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
mv terraform-provider-jira $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-jira
  • Run terraform init in your terraform project
terraform init

Used to initialize the plugin

Example Usage

Set JIRA URL, Username and Password using environment variables

export JIRA_URL=http://localhost:8080
export JIRA_USER=username
export JIRA_PASSWORD=password

Create terraform config file

// The types will be globally available in JIRA
resource "jira_issue_type" "task" {
  description = "A Task.",
  name = "Task",
  avatar_id = 10318

resource "jira_issue_link_type" "blocks" {
  name = "Blocks"
  inward = "is blocked by"
  outward = "blocks"

resource "jira_issue" "example" {
  issue_type  = "${jira_issue_type.task.name}"
  project_key = "PROJ"
  summary     = "Created using Terraform"

  // description is optional  
  description = "This is a test issue" 

  // (optional) Instead of deleting the issue, perform this transition 
  delete_transition = 21

  // (optional) Make sure, the issue is in the desired state
  // using state_transition
  state = 10000
  state_transition = 31 

resource "jira_comment" "example_comment" {
  body = "Commented using terraform"
  issue_key = "${jira_issue.example.issue_key}"

resource "jira_issue" "another_example" {
  issue_type  = "${jira_issue_type.task.name}"
  summary     = "Also Created using Terraform"
  project_key = "PROJ"

resource "jira_issue_link" "linked" {
  inward_key = "${jira_issue.example.issue_key}"
  outward_key = "${jira_issue.another_example.issue_key}"
  link_type = "${jira_issue_link_type.blocks.id}"

resource "jira_filter" "filter" {
  name = "Simple Filter"
  jql = "project = PROJ"

  // Optional Fields
  description = "All Issues in PROJ"
  favourite = false

  // All Members of project with ID 13102
  permissions {
    type = "project"
    project_id = "13102"

  // All Members of Group "Team A"
  permissions {
    type = "group"
    group_name = "Team A"

resource "jira_project_category" "categroy" {
  name = "Managed"
  description = "Managed Projects"

resource "jira_project" "project_a" {
  key = "TRF"
  name = "Terraform"
  project_type_key = "business"
  project_template_key = "com.atlassian.jira-core-project-templates:jira-core-project-management"
  lead = "bot"
  permission_scheme = 10400
  notification_scheme = 10300
  category_id = "${jira_project_category.category.id}"

// Create a group named "Terraform Managed"
resource "jira_group" "tf_group" {
  name = "Terraform Managed"

// User "bot" will be a Member of "Terraform Managed"

resource "jira_group_membership" "gm_1" {
  username = "bot"
  group = "${jira_group.tf_group.name}"

resource "jira_role" "role" {
  name = "Project Manager"
  description = "The Project Managers"

// Grant Project Access to user "bot" 
resource "jira_project_membership" "member" {
  project_key = "${jira_project.project_a.key}"
  role_id = "${jira_role.role.id}"
  username = "bot"

// Grant Project Access to group "bot" 
resource "jira_project_membership" "group_member" {
  project_key = "${jira_project.project_a.key}"
  role_id = "${jira_role.role.id}"
  group = "${jira_group.tf_group.name}"

resource "jira_user" "demo_user" {
  name = "bot"
  email = "bot@example.org"
  display_name = "The Bot"

resource "jira_webhook" "demo_hook" {
  name = "Terraform Hook"
  url = "https://demohook"
  jql = "project = PROJ"
  // See https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/webhooks/ for supported events
  events = ["jira:issue_created"]

data "jira_jql" "issues" {
  jql = "project = ${jira_project.project_a.key} ORDER BY key ASC"

Run terraform init

terraform init
Initializing provider plugins...

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

Run terraform plan

terraform plan

Check if the terraform plan looks good

Run terraform apply

terraform apply


Working in Operations engineering organizations infrastructure is often driven by tickets. Why not track infrastructure using tickets but this time we will use code. This just showcases that you can pretty much Terraform anything!


  • Anubhav Mishra (anubhavmishra)
  • Matthias Bartelmess (fourplusone)