
DOI is a stronger and neater interface to get domain and IP information through.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DOI (Domain Information)

DOI is a stronger and neater interface to get domain and IP information through. It takes the best from known CLI tools such as dig, host, whois and nslookup and bundles it up into one tool.

DOI can be found at https://www.npmjs.com/package/doi


DOI requires Node.js to run. And works on Windows, macOS or Linux.

Install by running:

npm install -g doi


DOI only works in the commandline as of now.

doi [opions] <domain or ip>

Example: doi -A google.com will get the IPv6 addresses of google.com

For more help and docs run doi --help


If you wan't to help out with DOI, you're more than welcome!

Get started in a jiff:

  • git clone https://github.com/madsobel/doi.git
  • cd doi
  • npm install
  • npm install -g

Runnnig tests

DOI uses Jasmine to execute tests. Currently DOI has a total of 19 tests.

Tests can be executed by running jasmine or npm test