
CrowdSec Custom Bouncer for Mikrotik RouterOS

Primary LanguageGo

CrowdSec Mikrotik Bouncer

This is a very simple and basic Mikrotik RouterOS Bouncer for CrowdSec. Redimentary would be an understatement. I am just trying to wrap my head around how the REST API works vs the Oldschool API. You will need to add the following environment variables to your machine:

  • ADDR: The IP address of the RouterOS device
  • USERNAME: The username of the RouterOS device
  • PASSWORD: The password of the RouterOS device

I am currently only supporting REST API / RouterOS 7.X but hope to add support for RouterOS 6.X in the future.

This bouncer currently leverages Crowdsec's Custom Bouncer binary, which you will need to install and configure here. I have included an example custom bouncer configuration example that you can modify and setup on your Crowdsec server.

Build the binary by cloning into the repo, and use go build . to create a binary in this repo.

You will need to set your Environment Variables up in your crowdsec-custom-bouncer.service systemd file. An example can be found below of the modified [Service] section.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/crowdsec-custom-bouncer -c /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/>
ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 0.1