
Generate PDF with Template and JSON Schema

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/spacefill/gibbon-mail

Generate PDF with Template and JSON Schema.

Project status: POC

Screencast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M10x76f6c8


Why this project?

  • I would like to move PDF generation from my application in a separate service
  • I would like to allow humans to generate PDF manually, via a simple application plugged to the same API.
  • I would like to keep a history (optionally) of all document generated


  • Integrate mozilla-services/react-jsonschema-form
  • Integrate puppeteer
  • Docker Image (harobed/poc-generate-pdf-with-html-template-and-jsonschema:latest)
  • curl example
  • Screencast
  • Add S3 upload option
  • Add UISchema support
  • Check json input with JSON Schema
  • Test frontend
  • Configure CI
  • Swagger
  • Add option to save generated pdf (in PostgreSQL)

Docker Image

spacefill/gibbon-pdf Docker Image is automatically builded with with our CI. We currently maintain several versions as we use semver to tag our docker images

  • latest tag is pushed with the last commit on master
  • vX.X.X tag are pushed when we push a new tag

To see how to create a new tag see "How to publish a new version"


  • Generate PDF file from:
    • HTML template
    • Json field values (validated by JSON Schema)
  • Rest API endpoints to generate html preview or PDF
  • Web UI to generate PDF manually:
    • HTML form are autogenerated by JSON Schema
    • User can preview the document or generate the PDF
  • Optionnaly record all PDF generation

This project is based on this stack


How can I enable Authentication system?

This project hasn't build-in authentication system, it's a internal service in your stack, you must protect it by a private network or Basic access authentication system.

Why « Gibbon-pdf » name?

Gibbon as an allusion to Mandrill App.

Invoice examples:

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