
PostgreSQL utility for creating a small, sample database from a larger one

Primary LanguagePerl


pg_sample - extract a small, sample dataset from a larger PostgreSQL database while maintaining referential integrity.


pg_sample [ option... ] [ dbname ]


pg_sample is a utility for exporting a small, sample dataset from a larger PostgreSQL database. The output and command-line options closely resemble the pg_dump backup utility (although only the plain-text format is supported).

The sample database produced includes all tables from the original, maintains referential integrity, and supports circular dependencies.

To build an actual instance of the sample database, the output of this script can be piped to the psql utility. For example, assuming we have an existing PostgreSQL database named "mydb", a sample database could be constructed with:

createdb sampledb
pg_sample mydb | psql sampledb


  • PostgreSQL 8.1 or later
  • pg_dump should be in your search path (in order to dump the schema)
  • Perl DBI and DBD::Pg (>= 2.0) modules

Command-line Options


Specifies the database to sample. If not specified, uses the
environment variable PGDATABASE, if defined; otherwise, uses
the username of the user executing the script.


Output only the data, not the schema (data definitions).


Output detailed options and exit.

-E encoding

Use the specified character set encoding. If not specified, uses the
environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING, if defined; otherwise, uses
the encoding of the database.

-f file

Send output to the specified file. If omitted, standard output is used.


Drop the sample schema if it exists.


Don't delete the sample schema when the script finishes.


As a numeric value, specifies the default number of rows to copy from
each table (defaults to 100). Note that sample tables may end up with
significantly more rows in order to satisfy foreign key constraints.

If the value is a string, it is interpreted as a pattern/rule pair to
apply to matching tables. Examples:

     # include all rows from the users table
     --limit="users = *"

    # include 1,000 rows from users table
    --limit="users = 1000"

    # include 10% of the total rows from users table
    --limit="users = 10%"

    # include all users where deactivated column is false
    --limit="users = NOT deactivated"

    # include all rows from all tables in the forums schema
    --limit="forums.* = *"

    # include 5% of total rows from each table in log schema
    # and 50% to the rest of tables
    --limit="log.* = 5%, * = 50%"

The limit option may be specified multiple times. Multiple pattern/rule
pairs can also be specified as a single comma-separated value. For example:

    # include all rows from the ads table; otherwise default to 300 rows

Rules are applied in order with the first match taking precedence.


Randomize the rows initially selected from each table. May significantly
increase the running time of the script.


The schema name to use for the sample database (defaults to _pg_sample).


Turn on Perl DBI tracing. See the DBI module documentation for details.


Output status information to standard error.

The following options control the database connection parameters.

-h host

The host name to connect to. Defaults to the PGHOST environment
variable if not specified.

-p port

The database port to connect to. Defaults to the PGPORT environment
variable, if set; otherwise, the default port is used.

-U username

User name to connect as.

-W password

Password to connect with.

Running pg_sample using a docker container

We support running pg_sample as docker container in order to prevent cluttering your local file system with unwanted libraries.

Build docker image

From the root folder issue the following command to generate a runnable docker image:

docker build -t pg_sample .

Run containerized pg_sample

After executing the previous command you can proceed to spin up a docker container that will have pg_sample binaries available:

docker run --network=host --name pg_sample --detach pg_sample tail -f /dev/null

Execute pg_sample against docker container

docker exec --detach pg_sample ./pg_sample mydb --file myfile.sql

Copy pg_sample output from docker container to local file system:

docker cp pg_sample:/pg_sample/myfile.sql /tmp/myfile.sql


This code is released under the Artistic License. See perlartistic.


createdb(1), pg_dump(1), psql(1)


Maurice Aubrey maurice.aubrey@gmail.com

[Build Status] (https://travis-ci.org/mla/pg_sample)