
Using this plugin we can easily add notifications/messages at the top / bottom / after content section of the post.It uses marquee ,so it this works perfect in HTML5 themes

Primary LanguagePHP

Message Trigger

Using this plugin we can easily add notifications/messages at the top / bottom / after content section of the post.


Using this plugin we can easily add notifications/messages at the top / bottom / after content section of the post.


  • Upload 'meassage-trigger' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  • Go to Settings->Message Trigger and set the messages
  • Go to specific post you will separate box for trigger message


1.0 Initial Commit


  • Restructuring of the code
  • Add id to the information
  • Don't display the message if it is empty

1.2 madvic version

  • Add a button "activate" dor don't display the message when we activate the plugin.
  • We can use a shortcode in the message