
C: a MUD based off Doom & ShadowRun

Primary LanguageC

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|_|                        PhobosMUD README File

Updated: May 2015

Welcome to Hell!  I hope you suffer during your stay!

Current development of PhobosMUD is done by madvlad and jogee486.

Based on the great CircleMUD (which is based on the great DikuMUD Gamma)!

About PhobosMUD

PhobosMUD is a Multi-User Dungeon, a modification on top of the CircleMUD codebase.
It is set in a world greatly inspired by Doom I/II and Shadowrun. PhobosMUD is more
action and combat oriented than most other MUDs, with a greater reliance on co-op
gameplay and dungeon crawling than what you world normally expect.

Sit back, relax, and blow some demons to Hell!

Downloading PhobosMUD

You can find the current version of PhobosMUD at the following URL: