Generates human-readable strings for PHP DateTime objects. It handles dates in the past and future. For future dates, it uses the format 'In x unit', ie: 'In 1 minute'. For dates in the past, it uses 'x unit ago', ie: '2 years ago'.
Note: Comparison of dates, for those beyond a day apart, uses the difference between their Unix timestamps.
If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can include the following in your composer.json file:
"require": {
"danielstjules/php-pretty-datetime": "dev-master"
Otherwise, you can simply require the file directly:
require_once 'path/to/php-pretty-datetime/src/PrettyDateTime.php';
use PrettyDateTime\PrettyDateTime;
PrettyDateTime::parse(new DateTime('now')); // Moments ago
PrettyDateTime::parse(new DateTime('+ 59 second')); // Seconds from now
PrettyDateTime::parse(new DateTime('+ 1 minute')); // In 1 minute
PrettyDateTime::parse(new DateTime('- 59 minute')); // 59 minutes ago
// You can supply a secondary argument to provide an alternate reference
// DateTime. The default is the current DateTime, ie: DateTime('now'). In
// addition, it takes into account the day of each DateTime. So in the next
// two examples, even though they're only a second apart, 'Yesterday' and
// 'Tomorrow' will be displayed
$now = new DateTime('1991-05-18 00:00:00 UTC');
$dateTime = new DateTime('1991-05-17 23:59:59 UTC');
PrettyDateTime::parse($dateTime, $now); // Yesterday
$now = new DateTime('1991-05-17 23:59:59 UTC');
$dateTime = new DateTime('1991-05-18 00:00:00 UTC');
PrettyDateTime::parse($dateTime, $now) // Tomorrow
From the project directory, tests can be ran using phpunit
Released under the MIT License - see LICENSE.txt
for details.