
make your objects REST-friendly

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Roy is a tiny module that aims to make any Ruby object Rack-friendly and provide it with a REST-like interface.

Roy tries to be as less invasive as possible. It provides your objects with a #call method that takes a Rack environment and dispatches to a regular method named after the HTTP method you want to catch.


You can execute the tests by running rake test. They are written with MiniTest.


class MessageQueue
  include Roy

  roy allow: [:get, :post, :delete]

  def initialize
    @stack = []

  def get(_)

  def post(_)
    roy.halt 403 unless roy.params[:item]
    @stack << roy.params[:item].strip

  def delete(_)



The roy class method is mainly used to define access control and method prefix. You can also define your own options. The following example should be self-explanatory enough:

class Example
  include Roy
  roy allow: [:get], prefix: :http_, foo: "bar"

  def http_get(path)
    "foo is #{roy.conf.foo}"


Inside your handler methods, you have access to a roy readable attribute which is an OpenStruct containing at least the following fields:

  • env: the Rack environment
  • response: a Rack::Response object that will be returned by call
  • request: a Rack::Request build from the environment
  • headers: a hash of headers that is part of response
  • params: parameters extracted from the query string and the request body
  • conf: the configuration set via ::roy

The keys for params can be accessed either via a String or a Symbol

Control flow

Your handler methods are run inside a catch block which will catch the :halt symbol. You can then use throw to abort a method but you must return an array composed of a status code and a message.

Roy provides a roy.halt method that takes a status code and an optional message. If there is no message it uses the default message from Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES


Various plugins are shipped with Roy, here is the full list:

  • after: modify the response after the app has been called
  • before: modify the environment before calling the app
  • render: integration with Tilt
  • plugins: a simple plugin loader

Each plugin is designed to do only one thing. Thus it is very easy to take a look at the code and see how the plugin works.