
Easily share files using your own server

Primary LanguageShell


ShareDrop is a system that eases file sharing on Linux, provided you've got your own server to store the files.

It works by monitoring a folder for file creation or modification and by automatically and securely synchronizing these files to your web server through rsync.


  • bash (tested with 4.2.42)
  • sha1sum (tested with the version from GNU coreutils 8.21)
  • fswatch
  • convert
  • a web server

Also depending on the sync_command

  • ssh (tested with OpenSSH 6.1)
  • rsync (tested with 3.0.9)


  • notify-send (tested with the version from libnotify 0.7.5)


  • terminal-notifier (optional)
$ brew install fswatch
$ brew install imagemagick


ShareDrop needs some (quite easy) setup.

  1. Define a VirtualHost (or equivalent) on your Web server that allows serving files from a given directory
  2. Write a config file for ShareDrop (see below)
  3. Run sharedrop.sh
  4. Drop files in the folder you launched ShareDrop in
  5. Wait for the notification giving you an URL for your file

Persistent setup

You may also want to automatically run ShareDrop on session start. You can give a path to ShareDrop to monitor as the first argument of the command. This should ease setting up your session manager.


ShareDrop is configured through a config.sh file in a standard configuration folder (if you haven't tweaked $XDG_CONFIG_HOME then it's likely to be in $HOME/.config/sharedrop/). This file must define two bash variables:

  • $REMOTE: an rsync remote folder specification (such as example.com:public_html/)
  • $BASE_URL: the URL for the VirtualHost you configured in your web server (e.g.: http://example.com/share/)