
Encrypted JSON Transport Protocol library for Python 2.x.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0



Encrypted JSON Transport Protocol library for Python 2.x.

EJTP is a data transfer protocol that allows JSON exchange over a very wide and infinitely extensible set of underlying transports. UDP, TCP, IRC, email, XMPP, HTTP, Telnet, Carrier pigeons, web forums, Twitter, Socket.IO... almost any protocol you could name can be engineered to carry EJTP frames.

The project's mascot is a charming, many-tentacled younger god who goes by the name of Bluethulu.



Download, clone, or transmodulate the source code to your computer, go into the uncompressed directory, and run "./setup.py install" as an administrator account. This is standard procedure for most Python libraries, and is how this one works as well.

The latest stable version (really, really recommended you don't try to use anything development-y, since I have a tendency for code demolition and reconstruction) is Version 0.9.1, which has new command-line scripts, ejtpd and ejtp-keygen, for setting up and controlling long-running system infrastructure. These tools are still a bit rough, especially ejtpd, and will be the primary focus of the next few minor versions, as well as some fixes for issues discovered in the AES encryption code.

If you have issues, be sure to submit the issue and, ideally, send patches. These don't have to fix the underlying problem, as long as they expose it to the unit testing mechanism, which allows me to hammer at the code until it works again.



You can try out the EJTP demo client by running ./ejtp/interactive.py. For demo code you can look inside that file, but basically, all you need is a Router object, and to create Clients as necessary, setting their rcv_callback property to your own preferred callback.


The "install_and_test.sh" script is a one-liner that I use to quickly install updated code and run it through the test suite while I work. It depends on having DoctestAll installed, so you want to do that first of all, before testing EJTP. If you want to know whether this EJTP implementation has any problems on your system, run this script, and it should spit out something like

name@machine$ ./install_and_test.sh
0 failures, 138 tests.

at the end. If there are failures, be sure to copy the entire output of the command and put that in a Github Issue so I can have a look at it. I may reply with questions in response to that, but filing a test failure takes less than 5 minutes of your time and is really appreciated.

EJTP Theory

Program structure

An EJTP program is composed of a few parts at minimum. At its heart is the Router, which takes addressed messages from any source and tries to pass them off to the appropriate jack or client.

Jacks are the Router's connections to the outside world, allowing EJTP frames to run on top of other protocols. Each of these needs a thread or a greenlet or some way to poll its network mechanics for incoming messages.

Finally, clients are objects that have properties like encryption prototype, EJTP address with callsign, and methods to send and receive encrypted frames through the Router. When created, they register themselves with the Router so that messages to their location will be forwarded properly.

Generally an application will consist of a Router, one or more clients, a jack for every transport, with a thread for every jack plus one or two for the GUI. The jack threads drive incoming events, the GUI thread drives any outbound ones that aren't called from a jack thread syncronously (such as asyncronous responses or user-driven events).

How EJTP works

An EJTP address is a JSON list with 2 or 3 elements.

[ addrtype, addrdetails, callsign (optional) ]

Clients have callsigns, jacks do not. The addrtype determines which jack type to use to send frames to this address (for example "udp4" or "smtp"), addrdetails provide the protocol-specific parameters necessary to send frames across the network (such as IP address and port). The callsign is used to indicate a specific client listening on that jack.

Different transport protocols will have their own standards on how to carry EJTP frames (also, the addrtype for the protocol, and the structure of the addrdetails for that addrtype). Generally this is pretty straight- forward in connectionless protocols, or any protocol that provides a built-in way to distinguish datagrams.

For two remote clients to communicate, Client A must be able to send frames to Client B's jack, and vice versa. But that's not as limiting as it sounds, you don't have to support every obscure jack type. You can set up the Router with a default route function for undeliverable messages, so that the frame is wrapped in a bigger frame addressed to your default route. In other words, you can configure so that your simplistic program pipes its undeliverable frames to a more capable server, which in turn can bounce the message around according to its default routes, et cetera, until the message is delivered. The default route feature is not yet built in, and will require safeguards to drop frames when a routing loop occurs.

EJTP is an "unreliable" protocol, that is to say, no guarantees are made that your frame will reach its destination in a timely fashion, if at all. With certain jacks and network conditions that's not much of a worry, since the probabilities are vastly in your favor, but any protocol built on EJTP has to consider that, much like UDP, verifying delivery is left up to you, and not inherently provided by EJTP.

Frame format

A frame is composed of a single-character "typecode", an address (as JSON), a nullbyte for a separator, and the message body. It's left up to the underlying transport to specify the frame size.

A frame type of "j" should have a blank address (any address given will be ignored, and is thus a waste of bandwidth), and a payload of unencrypted JSON data, such that deserializing the payload results in exactly one JSON object of any type (hash, list, bool, even null). All other frame types are "nesting frames", and their payloads should be processed as frames.

To get across the network, a J frame has to be wrapped inside an S frame, to indicate the Sender, which is then wrapped in an R frame, which indicates the Recipient (or, in the case of nested R frames, "Relay"). S frames have an encrypted signature that ensures that the sender is who she says she is. Its address is that of the sending client. An R frame's payload is encrypted such that only the client given in the address can open it.

If you decrypt a frame only to find that its payload is another R frame, you must send that frame back out to the Router for further processing. This nesting feature allows a client to securely bounce a message around across the network with onion encryption, as only the final recipient will even know they ARE the final recipient. For everyone else in the chain, all they know is who sent it to them (not necessarily the original sender), and that its final destination is probably elsewhere, unless the chain loops back to them.

There are further complexities involving maximum frame size (which is the same across all underlying transports), but I'm going to hold off on formalizing those rules for awhile. Currently, frame splitting has been removed from the codebase since it was not being used (or rather, split messages could be sent but not decoded) and it seemed better to temporarily remove the functionality entirely, rather than have it break in edge cases where you send a message long enough to split.

EJTP Ecosystem

EJTP boasts a fair number of projects that are based on it. Many of these are micro-libraries and micro-protocols that serve higher-level systems, following the maxim "Do one thing and do it well."

The following is an attempt to graph those relationships:

|- EJIdent   \
|- EJForward --|- EJMail
               |- DEJE
               |- MCP