
Grunt concat wrapper with Bower support

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Bower components concatenator for Grunt Build Status

Experimental. Grunt task for automatically concat all installed Bower components.


This plugin requires Grunt 0.4.

$ npm install grunt-bower-concat --save-dev


Add somewhere in your Gruntfile.js:


Inside your Gruntfile.js file add a section named bower_concat. See Parameters section below for details.


dest String

Name of file where result of concatenation will be saved.

[exclude] String|Array

List of components you want to exclude.

[include] String|Array

By default bower-concat include all installed in project components. Using include option you can manually specify which components should be included.

[dependencies] Object

Unfortunately not all Bower components list their dependencies. If comoponents concatenates in wrong order use this option to manually specify dependencies for some components.

[bowerOptions] Object

Bower specific options that will be passed in during the bower.commands calls. i.e. relative: false

Config Example

bower_concat: {
  all: {
    dest: 'build/_bower.js',
    exclude: 'jquery'
    dependencies: {
      'backbone': 'underscore',
      'jquery-mousewheel': 'jquery'
    bowerOptions: {
      relative: false


The changelog can be found in the Changelog.md file.


The MIT License, see the included License.md file.