
Clusterlet is a java library to create a cluster accros wan network. i.e. It discovers nodes, adds, deletes, updates them and synchronize messages across cluster

Primary LanguageJava

What is Clusterlet?

Clusterlet is a Java library. It lets you manage A to Z of a Cluster

  • It helps you to discover other cluster members, add or remove members, detect dead or unhealthy members and so on.
  • It also helps you to communicate between cluster members with sending (bulk) messages.
  • It keeps track of messages and is capable of resolving conflicts between message versions
  • It also gives reports related to the state and health of the cluster.
  • It helps to change credentials or binding address of cluster member on demand without a need shutdown cluster.
  • It lets you to send messages in multiple methods depending on your use case (UNICAST, RING, ...)
  • In any given time, It is aware of all the members and all the messages they're have been reached.
  • It identifies identical messages along with their versions so would not waste distributing messages to the member who already has that message
  • It handles cluster startup for failing or restarted members
  • It is a library so can simply be embedded in any java application

So... Bring up you're cluster, discover the members and start sending messages

MadzDNS cluster is a proof of concept for this library



Creating a synchronization context

final String sslKeyStorePath = null;
final String sslTrustStorepath = null;
final String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = null;
final String TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = null;
final String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_2ND = null;
final String CERTIFICATE_PATH = null;
final short MY_OWN_ID = 1;//Id of this member
final String clusterFile = "cluster_file";
new File(clusterFile).createNewFile();
SyncConfig config = new SyncConfig(clusterFile,
        sslKeyStorePath, sslTrustStorepath,
SyncContext context = new SyncContext(MY_OWN_ID, config);
//Return the created context as a bean or keep it in a global static place

Creating a cluster listener

SyncHandler handler = context.make()
                    .withCallBack(new SyncCallback(null))
SocketBindConfig syncBinding = new SocketBindConfig();
syncBinding.setSocketConfigs(Collections.singletonList(new SocketConfig("localhost:12346")));
try {
    new SyncServer(handler, syncBinding).start();
} catch (IOException e) {

Above, SyncCallback is an implementation of the ISyncCallback interface :

public interface ISyncCallback {
    boolean callBack(ISession session, IMessage message,
                     Set<Short> withNodes, ISyncProtocolOutput out);

    void result(SyncFuture syncFeature);

Clusterlet calls the callBack method for every receiving message and acts based on the return value. Updates its indexing database and informs the sending member about the result. It is obvious that a value of true means ok and false means failure. Following is the simplest ISyncCallback implementation ever!

private static class SyncCallback implements ISyncCallback {
    public boolean callBack(ISession session, IMessage message,
                            Set<Short> withNodes, ISyncProtocolOutput out) {
        return true;

    public void result(SyncFeature syncFeature) {


result method will be called for a sender and informs the result of the operation per each message. Here we are explaining about the server and will come to the sender part in a few seconds.

MyMessage is a class that implements IMessage below:

public interface IMessage extends IEncoder, IDecoder {
	String getKey();
	long getVersion();

For Every message equals and hashCode methods should be override and make sure to have a default constructor with no arguments. Messages should also serialize and deserialize their own contents. Each message is identified with the key value. For messages with identical key values, version becomes important.

Following is a simple message implementation:

public class MyMessage implements IMessage {
    private String key;
    private long version;
    private String msg;

    public void close() {


    public void configure(Map<String, ?> config) {


    public void deserialize(byte[] data) {
        try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))) {
            key = in.readUTF();
            version = in.readLong();
            msg = in.readUTF();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("", e);

    public byte[] serialize() {
        try (ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(stream);
            return stream.toByteArray();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("{}, {}", getKey(), getVersion(), e);
            return null;

Adding a new member to the cluster

final short memberId = 2;
final Set<Member.ClusterAddress> syncAddresses = Collections.singleton(
        new Member.ClusterAddress("localhost", 12347));
final boolean useSsl = false;
final boolean authByKey = true;
final String key = "";
final long lastModified = new Date().getTime();
final Set<Short> awareIds = null;//This new member is not aware of other nodes
final byte state = Member.STATE_VLD;//To delete use Member.STATE_DEL
Member member = new Member(memberId, syncAddresses, useSsl, authByKey, key, lastModified, awareIds, state);
context.syncCluster(member, SyncType.RING);

Synchronization types

In above example, we've used the SynchType.RING type to sync the new member with the cluster. This parameter makes an special hint for the synchronization method. Different synchronization types are:

  1. UNICAST Sends messages to each of the mentioned members or to all members in unicast form.
  2. RING Sends messages one mentioned or all members in ring form, eg. It sends messages to one member and the receiving member sends them to other other node until eligible members all receive the messages.
  3. UNICAST_ONE_OF Sends messages to one of the members in unicast form.
  4. UNICAST_BALANCE Sends messages to each of the mentioned members in unicast form only if the members are not previously received messages.
  5. RING_BALANCE Sends messages in ring form only if the members are not previously received messages.
  6. UNICAST_QUORUM Sends messages in unicast form and report successful only if the quorum number of members received the messages.
  7. RING_QUORUM Sends messages in ring form and report successful only if the quorum number of members received the messages.
  8. UNICAST_BALANCE_QUORUM Sends messages in UNICAST_BALANCE format and report successful only if the quorum number of members received the messages.
  9. RING_BALANCE_QUORUM Sends messages in RING_BALANCE format and report successful only if the quorum number of members received the messages.

Sending a message to the members

MyMessage messageFromMember2 = new MyMessage("myKey", new Date().getTime(), "message body");
SyncFeature feature = context.make(SyncType.RING)
        .withoutCluster(2)//Dont send to member 2 again
        .withCallBack(new SyncCallback())

In the above example, I want to send a single message from a member with id 2. I manually excluded member 2 from the sync process so the message would not come back to current node again (In some scenario one might want it to do otherwise) I also decided to send the message in RING mode to somehow load the balance between members.

The result can be accessed in two form. As mentioned earlier, using the result method of ISyncCallback or by calling get method of created handler which blocks until gets the response. The result can be examined using the returned SyncFeature:


Above, we check to see wat happened to the message with key myKey

I hope you use and enjoy the library.

Is there anything left? Don't hesitate to create an issue!