
Terraform module for configuring an integration with Google Cloud Platform Organziations and Projects for Audit Logs analysis

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Terraform module for configuring an integration with Google Cloud Platform Organizations and Projects for Audit Logs analysis.

⚠️ - NOTE: When using an existing Service Account, Terraform cannot work out whether a role has already been applied. This means when running the destroy step, existing roles may be removed from the Service Account. If this Service Account is managed by another Terraform module, you can re-run apply on the other module and this will re-add the role.

Alternatively, it is possible to remove the offending roles from the state file before destroy, preventing the role(s) from being removed.

e.g. terraform state rm 'google_project_iam_binding.for_lacework_service_account'

Required Roles


Required APIs



Name Description Type Default Required
org_integration If set to true, configure an organization level integration bool false false
organization_id The organization ID, required if org_integration is set to true string "" false
project_id A project ID different from the default defined inside the provider string "" false
use_existing_service_account Set this to true to use an existing Service Account. When using an existing service account, the required roles must be added manually. bool false false
service_account_name The Service Account name (required when use_existing_service_account is set to true). This can also be used to specify the new service account name when use_existing_service_account is set to false string "" false
service_account_private_key The private key in JSON format, base64 encoded (required when use_existing_service_account is set to true) string "" false
existing_bucket_name The name of an existing bucket you want to send the logs to string "" false
existing_sink_name The name of an existing sink that already captures management events. Note: If both existing_bucket_name and existing_sink_name are configured, this module assumes they are correctly configured for log capture. string "" false
bucket_region The region where the new bucket will be created, valid values for Multi-regions are (EU, US or ASIA). Alternatively, you can set a single region or Dual-regions follow the naming convention as outlined in the GCP bucket locations documentation https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/locations#available-locations string US false
bucket_force_destroy Whether to force destroy the bucket and ignore any content. bool false false
bucket_labels Set of labels which will be added to the audit log bucket. map(string) null false
lacework_integration_name The integration name displayed in the Lacework UI. string TF audit_log false
required_apis The APIs that should be enabled for this integration to be successful. map(any) See the Required APIs section false
prefix The prefix that will be used at the beginning of every generated resource string lw-at false
labels Set of labels which will be added to the resources managed by the module map(string) null false
wait_time Amount of time to wait before the next resource is provisioned. string 10s false
enable_ubla Boolean for enabled Uniform Bucket Level Access on the audit log bucket bool false false
lifecycle_rule_age Number of days to keep audit logs in Lacework GCS bucket before deleting. Leave null to keep indefinitely number null false
pubsub_topic_labels Set of labels which will be added to the topic. map(string) null false
pubsub_subscription_labels Set of labels which will be added to the subscription. map(string) null false


Name Description
service_account_name The Service Account name
service_account_private_key The private key in JSON format, base64 encoded
bucket_name The storage bucket name
pubsub_topic_name The PubSub topic name