
Primary LanguagePython

BRAGMaster 3000

BRAGMaster is a tool to help you facilitate Business Re-Evaluation and Enhancement Groups (BRAGs).


To use a BRAGMaster, you need a BRAG file. The BRAG file is a simple markdown file. Each top-level header (#) seperates the the section for one user (the email address is optional). Each user has a Goals section (## Goals) that contains their medium term life and career goals. Each BRAG session is another section under the users. Tasks marked with [X] completed. Everything after -- is a comment. Example:

# Manuel <manuel@1450.me>

## Goals

- [ ] Run a marathon
- [ ] Make my company profitable

## Recurring

- [ ] Meditate daily

## 2016-02-06

- [X] Run 20k on the weekend -- Did it in 2:06:12
- [ ] Submit 5 pull requests

# Stan



You either need to set the or supply a file with -f path_to_brag_file every time.

  • brag.py users: Print all users and their e-mail addresses
  • brag.py current: Print current tasks for everybody
  • brag.py last: Print tasks for last brag for everybody
  • brag.py run: Runs a brag session


  • -f path_to_brag_file is required if you haven't set the $BRAG_FILE environment variable (recommended)
  • -u name[,other_name] limits the output to certain users

Running a brag session

brag.py run

You can specify the editor with the -e option or setting the $BRAG_EDITOR environment variable, e.g.

  • IA Writer: open -b pro.writer.mac -Wn
  • Sublime Text: subl -w (the -w flag prevents waits for the window to be closed before the script continues)
  • vim: vim

Sending automated reminders

brag_mail.py will use Mandrill send an email to everyone to remind them of this week's task. To do this, you must set the $MANDRILL_KEY environment variable to your API key or pass it with the -k option.

Dear Manuel,

Today is Thursday, two more days to get your shit together and be productive. Gentle automated reminder, here are your tasks for this week:

- [ ] Run 20k on the weekend
- [ ] Submit 5 pull requests

This email was automatically generated by BRAGMaster 3000 - https://github.com/maebert/bragmaster

I recommend creating a crontab to do this automatically every Thursday at 9am:

0 9 * * 4 brag_mail.py -k YOUR_API_KEY -f YOUR_BRAG_FILE

Managing Users

You can add (inactive) to the username in your brag file to keep them from showing up in brag stats and brag run like this:

# Manuel <manuel@1450.me> (inactive)