Author: Mae Cana
A simple weather app that shows the average, minimum, and maximum temperature, humidity, and pressure, and the type of weather a specific city all around the globe.
1. Goal
- The goal of this app is to display the weather type, average, minimum,
and maximum temperature of a specific city from all around the world.
2. User Stories
- As a User I want to be able to input a city,
so that I can select which cityI want to view the weather of.
- As a User I want to be able to see click enter,
so that I can see the data.
- As a User I want to be able to see the details below,
so that I see the data.
- As a User I want to be able to see an alert of error,
so that I'll know that something went wrong.
- As a User I want to be able to see an alert of error when no city was found,
so that I'll know that I can enter another city.
3. Business Requirements:
- Input field is required.
- Show error if 'Search' button is clicked when input field is empty
- Show error when fetching data from API has been rejected.
- Show data below the 'Search' button.
- Only show details when input field is not empty, and city is found,
and 'Search' button is clicked.
1. Use HTML, CSS, and Javascript as programming language
Disclaimer: The image is not mine.