Introduction This document provides an overview of the project, detailing its architecture, components, and deployment process. The project consists of a web application for creating daily and weekly tasks, supported by four Docker containers: PostgreSQL for the database, Jaeger for OpenTelemetry tracing, Nginx for serving the frontend, and a custom Spring application.

System Architecture The system follows a microservices architecture with the following components:

PostgreSQL Database (postgres): A relational database for storing task-related data. Jaeger Tracing (jaeger): An all-in-one tracing solution for monitoring and debugging. Nginx Web Server (nginx): A web server serving the frontend application. Custom Spring Application (spring): A backend service responsible for managing tasks.

Docker Containers

PostgreSQL (postgres) Default postgres image from docker. Port 5432

Jaeger (jaeger) Default jaeger all in one image from docker. 16686:16686 (Web UI) 14250:14250 (OpenTelemetry gRPC)

Nginx (nginx) Default nginx image from docker. Static html files mounted. Config file mounted. Runs on port 6969

Custom Spring Application/Backend (spring) Image created from custom docker file, opentelemetry and jaeger included in the dockerfile. Runs on port 8080

Build and Deployment

The build and deployment process involves using Docker Compose. Execute the following command to build and run the containers: docker-compose up

Monitoring and Tracing

Jaeger Tracing: Access the Jaeger UI at http://localhost:16686 to monitor traces via "spring" service. Nginx Web Server(frontend): The Nginx server is available at http://localhost:6969.