In order to execute the crawler protype, you have to create a virtual environment. The following statement upgrades your current pip installation and installs the pipenv virtual environment.
$> pip install --upgrade pip && pip install pipenv
Then, you have to install the required packages.
$> pipenv install
To activate the virtual environment, exceute the following command:
$> pipenv shell
From the root folder run the following command:
$> pytest tests -v --cov=./src --cov-report=xml:./coverage.xml --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under=90
A file is provided in the root folder. The main program expects the following parameters:
- -i / --input: a json file following the format describer in the task description. This parameter is mandatory.
- -o / --output [optional]: a json file name to store the results.
- -v / --verbose [optional]: flag to let know the application to show debug messages. By default, logging is configured in the INFO level. So, debug messages won't be shown.
- -c / --console-logging [optional]: flag to let know the application to show logging messages in to the standard output. By default, logging is performed to a file and only the result is print to the stout.
Hereby there is an exemple:
$> python3 -v -i ./tests/repositories.json
This command launches the crawler in debug mode and gathers information about repositories following the given searching keywords.