What if paintings

This is a Node.js bot that posts images on Mastodon at @what_if_paintings and on Twitter at @WhatIfPaintings. The images are pregenerated using Tensorflow and neural-style.

Set up

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Create an account for your bot, preferably on botsin.space, a Mastodon instance dedicated to bots.
  3. Update your .env file:
  • MASTODON_API: for example https://mastodon.social/api/v1/, or https://botsin.space/api/v1/, based on where you created your bot.
  • MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN: the Mastodon token you acquired in step 2
  • CONSUMER_KEY: from the Twitter API
  • CONSUMER_SECRET: from the Twitter API
  • ACCESS_TOKEN: from the Twitter API
  • ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: from the Twitter API
  1. Run node index.js or npm run start