
homeschool journal is a web application that enables homeschooling facilitators to schedule and record activities for their students, as well as log attendance records. Built with HTML, CSS, JS, Flask, Jinja2 & PostgreSQL.

Primary LanguagePython


homeschool journal is a web application that enables homeschooling facilitators to schedule and record activities for their students, as well as log attendance records.

LIVE SITE: https://homeschool-journal.herokuapp.com/ Update (12/14/22): This app was previously hosted on Heroku when they still had their free development tier. Will host this app on a different platform soon! Feel free to check out the video walkthrough below to observe how the app functions.

Homeschool Journal Homepage Screenshot


Video walkthrough of homeschool journal


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • vanilla JavaScript
  • Flask (Python web micro framework) and related packages:
    • Flask-Login (user session management for Flask)
    • Flask-WTForms (form handling)
    • Flask-SQLAlchemy (SQL Python database toolkit)
    • Flask-Migrate (SQLAlchemy database migration handling)
  • Jinja2 (templating engine)
  • PostgreSQL (relational database management system)


I started designing and building this site to give homeschool facilitators a simple way to log the activities and attendance of their students in one place. The goal was to create a solution that would also simplify the record-keeping process required of homeschoolers based on the homeschooling regulations of some states in the United States.

As a student in Harvard's CS50x Introduction to Computer Science course, this project also fulfilled final project requirements for the course.


homeschool journal users can:

  • Register for an account
  • Sign In/Sign Out (guest login functionality also provided for demo purposes)
  • Manage students & subjects on their account profile
  • Add/View/Update/Delete activities on a student’s record
  • Add/Delete attendance records for a student
  • Log attendance for the current day on the homepage
  • Filter the display of scheduled activities by student and different time frames on the homepage