VV-Assign3 : How to use this project

First run this command in the targeted project folder :

mvn package -DskipTests

Then in the config.properties file in src/main/resources, specify the targeted project path and the maven home path.

To run our program run this command:

mvn surefire:test -Dtest=MutateTests

Results are in the log/ folder as targetedProject.html.


Here are the different mutations done by our program:

1. '-' is replaced by +'
2. '+' is replaced by '-'
3. body of boolean methods replaced by 'return true'
4. body of boolean methods replaced by  'return false'
5. '<' is replaced by '>'
6. '>' is replaced by '<'
7. removed body of void methods
8. body of double methods replaced by 'return 0'
9. '/' is replaced by '*'
10. '*' is replaced by '/'
11. 'if==' is replaced by 'if!='
12. 'if!=' is replaced by 'if=='