I'm using node-cc-cedict module, but because of it contains bugs and doesn't have the functionality that I wanted to use, I had to resort on this more manual/classic ways.

This is basically, just a simple page, where you enter your pin yin text (eg: ni hao), hit the search button, then it will return the chinese text, pronounciation & its definition.

This is not perfect yet. I would say this is a beta stage, just to test its functionality & playing around with nodejs/express

Please follow this steps:

  1. create a directory
  2. cd into the created directory
  3. run command "npm init"
  4. use the default (enter for all)
  5. run command "npm install express --save"
  6. run command "npm install pug --save"
  7. run command "npm install node-cc-cedict"
  8. run command "npm install body-parser --save"
  9. copy and paste/replace files from this repo into the directory
  10. run command "node app.js"
  11. open your browser and open up "http://localhost:3000"
  12. enjoy!

Future plan:

  1. Change to use MySQL and use the full text search instead, in order to get better reseult. Currently it's just doing simple equal checking, which is not what I have in mind.
  2. have a better UI.