
Just a Haskell wrapper for OpenAI API calls

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

🚧 Under Development 🚧

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Welcome to the Haskell OpenAI API library!

UNOFFICIAL: This library provides a wrapper for the OpenAI API, making it easy to implement services exposed by the OpenAI API in your Haskell projects. With this library, you can perform basic query operations on the OpenAI API with just a few lines of code.


To install this library, you'll can use Stack:

stack install haskell-openai


To use this library, you will need an OpenAI API key. You can sign up for a free API key at the OpenAI website. It is important to note that it is recommended to export the necessary environment variables in order to establish a successful connection to the OpenAI API.


Once you have your API key variables set up, you can use the library like this:

module Main where
import OpenAI.API.V1.Completion.Client (createCompletion)
import OpenAI.API.V1.Completion.Request (completionRequest, Request (..))
main :: IO ()
main = do
    result <- createCompletion completionRequest{
        model = "text-davinci-003",
        prompt = Just $ Left "Say this is a test",
        maxTokens = Just 256
    case result of
        Left error -> print error
        Right response -> print response