
CSS & Js Framework from Paradigma Tecnologico

Primary LanguagePHP




ParaGRIDma v3
Fluid CSS & JS Framework from Paradigma Tecnologico

* Grid system
	- normalize.css
	- mobile first
	- less
	- set posible media queries

* Form
	- Style to search input
	- input + button
	- buttons with icons from font awesome


* Editable with LESS (like: http://foundation.zurb.com/download.php)
	- grid dimensions
	- main colors
	- font-size, font-family, line-height

* Mobile first
	- JS function to adapt text size to its parent width
		- Using CSS Viewport Units: vw, vh, vmax, and vmin. (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/11/19/techniques-for-responsive-typography/)
			The viewport-percentage lengths are relative to the size of the initial containing block. When the height or width of the initial containing block is changed, they are scaled accordingly.
				1vw = Equal to 1% of the width of the initial containing block.
				1vh = Equal to 1% of the height of the initial containing block.
				1vmin = Equal to the smaller of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’
				1vmax = Equal to the larger of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’.

* Focus on load times:
	- mobile version will only load required CSS.
	- Full version will load rest of CSS

* Use normalize.css instead of reset.css (https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css)

* You can download
	- the paraGRIDma core (normalize, grid, and default CSS)
	- full package: with all the add ons

* It must be 100% fluid (columns, fields, buttons, images, ...)
	- layout could have and max-width

* Width diferent browser widths framework would:
	- use media-queries

* Panels:
	- fix + fluid
	- split-columns on small displays sizes
	- centered panels

* Responsive tables
	- http://foundation.zurb.com/responsive-tables.php

* Javascript will:
	- improve image render (imgsizer.js --> http://unstoppablerobotninja.com/entry/fluid-images/ )
	- Improve media-queries support https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
	- Improve CSS selectors (http://selectivizr.com/)

* Fluid paraGRIDma v2 is inspired by:
	- paraGRIDma v2
	- Bootstrap 3
	- Foundation: http://foundation.zurb.com/
	- PureCSS: http://purecss.io/
	- Rock Hammer (Aka: 320 and up): http://malarkey.github.io/Rock-Hammer/
	- fluid 960 gs: http://designinfluences.com/fluid960gs/
	- Zimit: http://firezenk.github.io/zimit/
	- sculpt: http://www.heartinternet.co.uk/sculpt

* Browser support:
	- HTML5 browser
	- IE7 & IE8 with limitations

* Add on to responsible images:
	- redimension tool to load small image by default, and after that load the best posible image through Javascript

* Font icons integration
	- Integration with font-awesome


Show a naked default structure page

Show how to disabled responsive layout

The grid has three key elements:
	- container: create base padding for the page
	- rows: create a max-width and contain the columns
	- columns