
Microservice environment used to demonstrate CQRS pattern (PostgreSQL + Elasticsearch) using Apache Kafka Connect API for data projection.

Primary LanguageGo

CQRS Kafka Connect

Microservice environment used to demonstrate CQRS pattern (PostgreSQL + Elasticsearch) using Apache Kafka Connect API for data projection.


  • Go 1.16
  • Docker 20.10 (with Docker Compose)


  • PostgreSQL WAL replication user permissions.
  • Improve over security with SSL certs (enable TLS communication).
  • Set an Elasticsearch cluster with basic auth.
  • Set an Apache Kafka broker cluster (nodes >= 3) with basic auth (SASL_PLAIN or SASL_SSL).

Get started

Start infrastructure

Start infrastructure using Docker Compose with the following command.

At user-service folder

docker compose up

Create a user table on PostgreSQL using the psql CLI or pgAdmin using the script located in this repository (user-service/data/neutrino_users.sql).

Create Apache Kafka PostgreSQL Source connector

Using your favorite HTTP client (cURL, Postman, Insomnia, ...), create the PostgreSQL source connector by making a call to the Apache Kafka Connect REST API.

Note: You may use the Postman Collection from this repository (Kafka_Connect_API.postman_collection.json).

Note: Default source connector is from Debezium provider; it uses PostgreSQL WAL logs and pgoutput as native event stream. JDBC is still available but it does not support hard deletes

POST http://localhost:8083/connectors

Body: application/json

    "name": "psql_neutrino_users",
    "config": {
            "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
            "tasks.max": "1",
            "database.hostname": "postgres", 
            "database.port": "5432", 
            "database.user": "postgres", 
            "database.password": "root", 
            "database.dbname" : "neutrino_users", 
            "database.server.name": "user",
            "table.include.list": "public.users",
            "poll.interval.ms" : 1000,
            "plugin.name": "pgoutput",
            "transforms": "unwrap",
            "transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones": "false",
            "transforms.unwrap.delete.handling.mode": "drop"

This connector will only track users table as it is the recommended way for production environments.

Create Apache Kafka Elasticsearch Sink connector

Using your favorite HTTP client (cURL, Postman, Insomnia, ...), create the Elasticsearch sink connector by making a call to the Apache Kafka Connect REST API.

Note: You may use the Postman Collection from this repository (Kafka_Connect_API.postman_collection.json).

POST http://localhost:8083/connectors

Body: application/json

    "name": "elastic_neutrino_users",
    "config": {
            "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSinkConnector",
            "tasks.max": "1",
            "topics": "user.public.users",
            "key.ignore": "false",
            "connection.url": "http://elastic:9200",
            "name": "elastic_neutrino_users",
            "type.name": "_doc",
            "schema.ignore": "false",
            "delete.enabled": "true",
            "pk.mode": "record_key",
            "behavior.on.null.values": "delete"

Start User Microservice HTTP REST API

Run the User microservice example.

go run ./user-microservice/cmd/api-http/main.go

Note: If you prefer using the PostgreSQL JDBC Kafka connector, it is worth to mention it is using a timestamp strategy to ingest data, avoiding batch polling and publishing. Thus, every time an item from users is updated, in order to propagate proyections to Elasticsearch, you MUST set update_time value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

[OPTIONAL] Lookup proyected documents on Elasticsearch

In order to lookup from proyected data from our PostgreSQL users table, one may make a call to the Elasticsearch REST API using your favorite HTTP client.

GET http://localhost:9200/user.public.users/_search

[OPTIONAL] Listen to CDC stream

Open another terminal tab and start a ksqldb CLI session.

docker compose exec ksqldb-cli ksql http://ksqldb-server:8088

Start an CDC (Change Data Capture) stream consumption from ksql with the following statement.

PRINT 'user.public.users';


PRINT 'user.public.users' FROM BEGINNING;