UVA Arena (c) 2014, is a windows based, non-commercial, open source utility application to make problem solving easier for the programmers. It is based on popular UVA Online Judge and uses APIs from uHunt.
To view a list of new features click here
Main target of this software is to provide a useful and informative tool to the users to help them with their programming practice. Today programming has become a very competitive field. You need to keep track of your progress daily, learn new things, and of-course solve new problems as fast as you can. Problem picking and managing your codes is a time consuming process. You can minimize this wasting of time as much as possible using UVA Arena.
Almost every features of uHunt has been included in this software. It also has many other useful features.
This is a software for heavy users and serious programmers. It might seem too much to take at first glance. But once you get used to it, I think you will find it very easy and helpful.
You will find the wiki page for this software here
If you need to report any bugs or suggest any new feature post it here
For any other information contact me at dipu.sudipta@gmail.com
Here is a brief list of the features that this software provides:
- Problem Viewer (also view and edit categories)
- Code Editor (C, C++ and Java)
- Judge Status
- User Statistics with graphs
- World Rank viewer
- Compare between users
- Discuss and uDebug browser
###Licence Information
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If no see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
This software uses controls from the following sources-
- uHunt API for user's information and problem database and latest judge status.
- For parsing and editing HTML files, HTML Agility Pack.
- NewtonSoft.JSON to parse JSON data file.
- Object List View is the most used and notable control.
- Second most used is Fast Colored Text Box for Syntax Highlighting and Code Editing.
- To plot graphs in user progress tracker ZedGraph was used.
- To Compress and Decompress Problems data pack Don Net Zip was used.
- Main icon is a licenced as "Free for non-commercial use". Downloaded from here
- Icon resources are mostly open-source and many of them are downloaded from IconArchive. I couldn't look up the licences for all icons. Please inform me if any icon here is under strict copyright protection.
Sudipto Chandra Dipu