
Open Phone Number Data API

Primary LanguageGo


Open Catalog & API for Mexican 10 Digit Public Numbers


Objective: Provide a Catalog and API to obtain data of a 10 digit mexican number.

Some companies need to know if a certain number is a mobile number or a landline number. This catalog is ontained from the IFT (Telecomunications Federal Institute) containing the basic data of all the registered numbers at the current Telecomunications Companies.

System Architecture

The project includes an importer tool to download the data to your computer/server the store into a relational DB and a HTTP Server that runs the API that provides the data of the 10 digit mexican numbers.


The importer is a Golang based program. It downloads the catalog to your server/computer and stores it into a relational mysql/mariadb database.

The number data is stored by town, township, state, number type and provider. With a simple SQL query you can get all the data you need for a certain 10 digit number.


  • Golang Enviroment and dependencies
  • MySQL Server (5.1 or later)
  • Windows, MacOS or Linux SO


  1. Install golang (further info about that at https://golang.org/doc/install)
  2. Install golang dependencies
go get- u "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
  1. Build binaries
go build
  1. Edit the "config/config.development.json". Set the mysql/mariadb server IP, username and password.
    "IftCatalogURL" : "https://github.com/mafairnet/hachi/blob/master/ift/",
    "DbServer" : "YOUR_SERVER_IP",
    "DbUsername" : "YOUR_DB_USERNAME",
    "DbPassword" : "YOUR_DB_PASSWORD",
    "DbPort" : "3306",
    "DbSchema" : "hachi"
  1. Create the database from the file "database/model.sql"
>mysql -u root -p 
>create database hachi;
>mysql -u username -p hachi < database/model.sql
  1. Add this Store Procedure
   truncate table state;
   truncate table township;
   truncate table town;
   truncate table provider;
   truncate table number_type;
   truncate table number;
   END //
  1. Run your binary

API - HTTP Server

The API HTTP Server is a Golang based program. It retreives the data of the 10 digit Mexican number from the relational mysql/mariadb database that was previously populated by your importer.

It returns a json object containing the prefix, series, initial numeration, final numeration, type, provider, town, township and state where the phone number belongs.


  • Golang Enviroment and dependencies
  • MySQL Server (5.1 or later)
  • Windows, MacOS or Linux SO


  1. Install golang (further info about that at https://golang.org/doc/install)
  2. Install golang dependencies
go get- u "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
go get- u "github.com/gorilla/mux"
  1. Build binaries
go build
  1. Edit the "config/config.development.json". Set the mysql/mariadb server IP, username and password.
    "DbServer" : "YOUR_SERVER_IP",
    "DbUsername" : "YOUR_DB_USERNAME",
    "DbPassword" : "YOUR_DB_PASSWORD",
    "DbPort" : "3306",
    "DbSchema" : "hachi"
  1. Run your binary
  1. Request data through the API endpoint

The endpoint will return a JSON data

  "id_number": 102930,
  "prefix": 998,
  "series": 123,
  "initial_numeration": 0,
  "final_numeration": 9999,
  "provider": {
    "id_provider": 58,
    "description": "RADIOMOVIL DIPSA, S.A. DE C.V."
  "number_type": {
    "id_number_type": 2,
    "description": "MOVIL"
  "town": {
    "id_town": 824,
    "description": "CANCUN",
    "township": {
      "id_township": 1456,
      "description": "BENITO JUAREZ",
      "state": {
        "id_state": 23,
        "description": "QROO"