🚀 A demo of Pokemon Store is available here.
Pokémon Store is a shopping cart project to purchase wild Pokémon. It was developed using the ReactJS framework.
The store is presented according to the type of Pokémon. There are 18-type Pokémon, but the store only has two types: Fire and Water.
This project is organized into the following components:
- Cart
- In this component, the detailed summary of the purchased items was presented.
- Each purchased item presents:
- Image,
- Name,
- Price = Price x Quantity,
- Quantity, and
- Controls to add or remove items.
- Total Weight (Sum of total weight),
- Subtotal (Sum of the total price of the items),
- Shipping ($0.1 per kilogram),
- Total (Subtotal + Shipping), and
- Finish shopping (Catch 'em all!).
- Each purchased item presents:
- In this component, the detailed summary of the purchased items was presented.
- Footer
- In this component, you can see developer info.
- Header
- In this component, the navigation bar has two buttons to change between the types of Pokémon:
- In the Fire Button, you can see the complete list of fire-type Pokémon.
- In the Water Button, you can see the full list of water-type Pokémon.
- Also, the number of items purchased appears on the right side.
- The Cart Button allows to show or hide the detailed summary of the purchased items.
- In this component, the navigation bar has two buttons to change between the types of Pokémon:
- Modal
- In this component, the modal thanks to checkout and restarting the purchase process.
- ProductsGrid
- This component presents the list of the available Pokémon.
- Each Pokémon card has the following features:
- Image,
- Name,
- Weight [kg],
- Price based on its
, and - Button for add to cart (Catch it!).
- Styling
- This component is used to define the color palette of each store in a dynamic way. It does not alter the application behavior.
- The project was developed using the framework ReactJS.
- CSS was used for the basic styling of the navbar, forms, and other components.
- react-icons was used for complementary styling.
- react-modal was used in the checkout button, and restarting the purchase process.
- In order to have a better user experience, react-infinite-scroller was used to load content.
- The RESTful Pokémon API PokéAPI was used to request the Pokémon.
- Axios was used as HTTP client.
- Finally, Heroku was used to deploy the project.
# 1. Check if node is installed
node -v
npm -v
# 2. Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:mafda/pokemon_store.git
# 2.1. Go to the project directory
cd pokemon_store/frontend
# 3. Install the project dependencies
npm install
# 5. Run the server
npm start
# 6. Enjoy it!
echo "Enjoy it! :)"
Done! Now navigate to http://localhost:3000/
# 1. Create the app on Heroku
heroku create -b https://github.com/mars/create-react-app-buildpack.git awesome-pokemon-store
# 2. Deploy it :)
git subtree push --prefix frontend heroku master
# 3. Enjoy it!
echo "Well done! :)"
Done! Now navigate to https://awesome-pokemon-store.herokuapp.com/
The application link will depend on the application name registered on Heroku.
The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) consists of:
Product catalog. -
Side cart. -
Cart summary. -
2 stores with different styles and types of Pokémon.
Bonus features:
Search bar to filter Pokémon. -
Checkout button, restarting the purchase process. -
Modal thanks to checkout. -
Save user purchase data locally so as not to lose it when refreshing the page.
Desktop | Mobile |
- desafio-loja-pokemon.
- Logo Pokémon.
</> with 💙 by mafda.