
Configuration and provisioning scripts for a quick setup of the unifi-controller on a linux machine running in docker.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

unifi quick setup

automate provisioning for docker-unifi-network-application using plain ssh with taskfile as a convenient wrapper.

Setup of a new instance


  • CLIENT_DOMAIN in Taskfile.yaml with your client's address.
# create certificate and copy the id to the client for an uninterrupted provisioning later on
task ssh:setup

# test connection with a shell on the client
task ssh:client

# one time provisioning of folders and tools
task raspberry:provision

# deploy docker-compose.yaml and start service
task raspberry:deploy

After a config change simply rerun

task raspberry:deploy


  • The DB credentials are hardcoded in docker-compose.yaml MONGO_PASS. This is considered bad practice. I might automated a randomized value here in future.

    For now make sure to change to password on your installation.