Inbox Telegram Plugin

This is simple plugin that get new messages from Telegram bot and paste its to daily journal. It is basically a Fork from but i am supporting Images and a bugfix.


  • In order to start you need to create Telegram bot: Create a bot with BotFather, which is essentially a bot used to create other bots. The command you need is /newbot. After you choose title, BotFaher give you the token.
  • Paste Telegram bot token into plugin settings botToken
  • Be sure to add your username in authorizedUsers array, because your recently created bot is publicly findable and other peoples may send messages to your bot. For example "authorizedUsers": ["your_username"]. If you leave this array empty - all messages from all users will be processed!
  • You may adjust polling interval pollingInterval in milliseconds. This interval will be used to get new messages from Telegram bot
  • Messages will be pasted in daily journal into block with text, specified in inboxName property. Replace it in case of necessary. If you don't want to group messages, set inboxName property to null. In this case messages will be inserted directly into page block.
  • If addTimestamp set to true, message received time in format HH:mm will be added to message text, for example 21:13 - Test message
  • Restart plugin in Logseq
  • After that just open chat with your bot in Telegram and type /start command
  • Then write any message in this chat, it will be added to your Logseq daily journal within 60 seconds (by default)

Settings with grouping:

  "disabled": false,
  "botToken": "PASTE_BOT_TOKEN_HERE",
  "authorizedUsers": [],
  "addTimestamp": false,
  "pollingInterval": 60000,
  "inboxName": "#inbox",
  "inboxByChat": []

Set inboxName with null if you don't want use groups:

  "inboxName": null

Usage notice

  • Please, consider that messages will be pulled from Telegram only if Logseq desktop application running.
  • If you doesn't open Logseq application more than 24 hours, messages from Telegram will be lost and you need to resend it.

Multiple inboxes

For example you want to collect random thoughts as #spark and other thoughts as #plans.

  • Write BotFather /setprivacy command and set it to DISABLED
  • Also check /setjoingroups it will be ENABLED
  • Create new group in Telegram and add your bot there
  • Write any message in this group
  • In your plugin settings in inboxByChat will be added new object
"inboxByChat": [
    "chatId": -111111111,
    "inboxName": "#spark"
  • Disable plugin
  • Change inboxName in this object to #spark for example
  • Enable plugin
  • New messages received from this group will be added under #spark tag
  • You can add additional groups if you want
"inboxByChat": [
    "chatId": -111111111,
    "inboxName": "#spark"
    "chatId": -222222222,
    "inboxName": "#plans"


  • yarn && yarn build in terminal to install dependencies.
  • Load unpacked plugin in Logseq Desktop client.
