Authenticated network P2P backed by Hyperswarm and Noise
First spin up a server
const noise = require('noise-network')
const server = noise.createServer()
server.on('connection', function (encryptedStream) {
console.log('new encrypted stream!')
// encryptedStream is a noise-peer stream instance
encryptedStream.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('client wrote:', data)
const keyPair = noise.keygen()
// Announce ourself to the HyperSwarm DHT on the following keyPair's publicKey
server.listen(keyPair, function () {
console.log('Server is listening on:', server.publicKey.toString('hex'))
Then connect to the server by connecting to the public key
// noise guarantees that we connect to the server in a E2E encrypted stream
const client = noise.connect('{public key from above}')
// client is a noise-peer stream instance
client.write('hello server')
Create a new Noise server.
Options include:
// validate the remote client's public key before allowing them to connect
validate (remoteKey, done) { ... },
// you can add the onconnection handler here also
onconnection (connection) { ... }
Connect to a server. Does UDP hole punching if necessary.
must be of type Buffer or hex.