Doesn't work on windows 10
soichih opened this issue · 1 comments
soichih commented
It doesn't seem to work on Windows 10.
I am piping .tar file from a web server into tar-fs.extract.
url: config.api.core+"/resource/download",
json: true,
qs: {r: task.resource_id, p: instance._id+"/_thaw/"+path.basename(file.path)},
headers: auth_headers,
I get following error message.
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, open 'C:\Users\Soichi\Desktop\Python-\python'
at Error (native)
I am using
$ node --version
fredericrous commented
I doubt your error comes from windows10. I use tar-fs to untar packages similar to and I had no problem so far. For my need though, a cache system, I download file entirely before extracting it.
I'm on node v4.5.0