Chat Interface

Steps to complete the assignment

As a team, you will:

  • Have one person create a repository and give collaborative access to each other member (you may also create an organization)
  • Decision on a colour scheme and write the values into a :root block as custom properties (you can revisit this later!)
  • Work as a team to review and complete each of the steps below on one of your computers. Once you agree they're complete, push the changes
  • Review the list of "Styling" tasks and decide which member will take on each task. After each styling task is complete, review the overall sight and make necessary adjustments to ensure the entire site is cohesive
  1. Example Data
  2. Setup the layout (15-20 mins)
    • Each student will complete
  3. Custom Styling (45-60 mins)
    • Group members will divide the tasks
  4. Functionality (60-90 mins)
    • Each student will take turns typing, others will support

Example Data

Here's a set of simple data that can be cut/pasted into the javascript document. Also review this data closely to learn more about the application requirements. Your data may deviate from this any way necessary.

const user = {
   id: 456,
   name: 'Charles Babbage',
   img: 'img/456.jpg'

const message = [
      id: 1,
      from: {
         id: 123,
         name: 'Ada Lovelace',
         img: 'img/123.jpg'
      time: {
         date: 1,
         month: 8,
         year: 1843,
         hour: 14,
         minute: 59
      text: `You should check out this little script I just wrote. 😂 lol`

Setup the layout

Time to complete: 15-20 mins Each student should complete this independently, testing along the way

"Mobile" friendly styling

Create a block of styling properties. These are example values, change these as a group (add more if required).

:root {
  --col-bg: #ffffff;
  --col-bg-fg: #222222;
  --col-accent1:  palevioletred;
  --col-accent1-fg: #000000;
  --col-accent2:  plum;
  --col-accent2-fg: #000000;
  --col-accent3:  mediumslateblue;
  --col-accent3-fg: #ffffff;
  --col-action: firebrick;
  --col-action-fg: #ffffff;
  --col-error: tomato;
  --col-error-fg: #000000;
  --font-body: serif;
  --font-heading: sans-serif;
  --animations: 0.3s;

Setup the document defaults. Adjust these as you see fit. Note the heading has properties that will affect other parts of the layout. Complete everything before adjusting these values.

body {
  background-color: var(--col-bg);
  color: var(--col-bg-fg);
  font-family: var(--font-body);
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  font-family: var(--font-heading);
  line-height: 1.25;
  margin: 0.25em 0;
h1 {
  font-size: 1.25em;

Add styling for the top banner. Modify content or style as needed.

.branding {
  background-color: var(--col-accent2);
  color: var(--col-accent2-fg);
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 2;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-align: center;

Style the other side panel. Also noticed we're preparing for functionality as well when the open class gets added:

.others {
  background-color: var(--col-accent1);
  color: var(--col-accent1-fg);
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: -100%;
  z-index: 3;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  padding: 0 1em;
  padding-top: 2.1875em;
  .others .panel {
    overflow-y: scroll;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity var(--animations);
  } {
  left: 0;
} .panel {
    opacity: 1;

This is for the button

.toggle-others {
  background-color: var(--col-accent3);
  color: var(--col-accent3-fg);
  position: fixed;
  top: 0.5em;
  left: 1em;
  line-height: 1.25;
  z-index: 4;
  padding: 0;
  border: none;
  padding: 0 0.5em;

Adjust the conversation so it doesn't get content stuck under the fixed header.

.conversation {
  padding: 0 1em;
  margin-top: 2.1875em;


Desktop styling

Review the following styles for the first media query.

@media screen and (min-width: 40em) {
  .others {
    display: block;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 1;
    width: 20em;
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translateX(-20em);
    transition: transform var(--animations);
  } {
    transform: translateX(0em);
  .conversation {
    transition: margin-left var(--animations);
  } ~ .conversation {
    margin-left: 20em;
  .toggle-others {
    position: absolute;
    top: 3em;
    left: auto;
    right: -1.5em;
    width: 1.5em;
    height: 5em;
    padding: 0.25em;
    text-align: center;
  .toggle-others span {
    writing-mode: vertical-rl;

Add one more media query for larger screens

@media screen and (min-width: 60em) {
  .others {
    width: 30em;
  .conversation {
    margin-left: 30em;

Custom Styling

Time to complete: 40-60 mins Each student will complete one of these for their group

Message block

  1. Quickly wireframe a single message block layout, adding all the properties of a messages Object that you deem useful/required
  2. Review as a group, consider revisions or other configurations before finalizing a choice
  3. Sketch the styling (borders, shadows, lines, spacing, shading, etc)
  4. Create the HTML for one chat message article
  5. Fully style the article with a class of .message using CSS.
  6. Create a rule elements with class .from-me to overwrite styles given to .message to show it's from the logged in user
  7. Create a rule elements with class .from-them to do the same, but show it's from the opposite user

User card

  1. Quickly wireframe a list item for a single user, including any relevant information (even if you have to make it up, or the data may be inaccessible)
  2. Review as a group, consider revisions or other configurations before finalizing a choice
  3. Sketch the styling (borders, shadows, lines, spacing, shading, etc)
  4. Create the HTML for the new chat li
  5. Fully style the li with a class of .usercard using CSS.
  6. Create a rule for elements with class .selected so that it's clear from the "Other Conversations" slide out panel that the active conversation is that conversation card
  7. Create a modified (if necessary) version of the card with a slightly bigger profile for the header of the #conversation block of the page, identifying the user you are speaking to

Input form

  1. Quickly wireframe the form that takes the input text from the user, include a few buttons if necessary
  2. Review as a group, consider revisions or other configurations before finalizing a choice
  3. Sketch the styling (borders, shadows, lines, spacing, shading, etc)
  4. Create the HTML for the new chat form. Give the msg input component an id of message. Give the <form> itself an id of newMsg.
  5. Fully style the form with a class of .newmsg using CSS.
  6. Consider what happens when a user has a longer message to type; test to ensure styling accounts for that
  7. Create appropriate style for mouse or form interactions, as well as consideration for an .error state


Time to complete: 60-90 mins Students will take turns writing into once code base, while the other group members work in support

1. Toggle the conversation panel

Check out the JS in action by toggling the open/closed panel

document.getElementById(`btnOthers`).addEventListener('click', event => {

2. Single message HTML

Create a function that returns the HTML for a single message (created above):

function getMessageAsHtml(msg) {
   return `
      <!-- Fill all this in -->

Use template literals add the property values from the msg Object that's passed in (will come from messages). For example: <p>${msg.text}</p>.

3. Render messages function

function renderConversation(arr) {
   document.getElementById('messages').innerHTML ='');

To test, call the function by passing it the full Array at the bottom of the js document.


Now you should try to:

  1. Before sending the messages Array to renderConversation() to be rendered, Research the Array function called sort() to put the messages Array into chronological order backwards (so that the most recent message is at the bottom).
  2. Use slice() to only show the 20 most recent messages.

4. Users/conversations

Create an Array of conversations that simply holds Objects with user information, as well as any other useful information you may need.

Complete the exact same steps as above to add all conversations to the #others panel in the document

Now you should try to:

  1. Before sending the conversations Array to its rendering function to be rendered, sort the users alphabetiaclly by their name, by researching the String comparison function localeCompare() and combining it with sort()

5. Message customizations

Returning to the renderConversation function, customize the messages being displayed in the current conversation.

Now you should try to: Use an if statement to determine whether the message's from Object property matches the username Object (which is the active user). Add the appropriate class: from-me for the current user; Otherwise, give it the from-them class.

6. Msg input

Collect information about the message and then create a new Object for the Array. Use the following code:

function sendMessage(event, msgs) {

   const id = (msgs.reduce((highest, m) => ( > highest) ? : highest, 0)) + 1; // Unique id

   const now =; // The current date and time
   const date = now.getDate();
   const month = now.getMonth();
   const year = now.getFullYear();
   const hour = now.getHours();
   const minute = now.getMinutes();

   const text =; // The text

   // 1. Create a new `message` Object here with the data above

   // 2. push() the object onto the parameter `msgs` here

   renderConversation(msgs);  // Re-render the messages

document.getElementById('newMsg').addEventListener('submit', e => sendMessage(e, messages))

Now you should try to:

  1. Create a new message Object using the data captured in the function
  2. Add the new Object to msgs (which is actually the full array!) by researching the Array push() method and passing the Object as an argument

7. Conversation header

Paste the HTML for the other user we're chatting with. Give the appropriate fields an id and fill in the information using javascript.

8. Conversation footer

Paste the HTML for the <form>. Give the appropriate fields an id and fill in the information using javascript.