
MAGA $MILEI is a decentralized digital asset built on the Binance Smart Chain platform.

Primary LanguageSolidity

$MILEI Smart Contracts

This repository holds the code for MAGA $MILEI smart contracts.


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MAGA MILEI employs advanced mathematical principles for its tokenomics, ensuring equitable distribution of rewards among all token holders without necessitating token transfers. Utilizing the reflection mechanism, MAGA MILEI dynamically adjusts rewards with each transaction, maintaining a fair distribution model.

Distinctively, it abstains from employing mint and burn methods for token generation or reduction, setting its initial supply at 512 Quadrillion tokens upon deployment.

Despite the fixed supply, MAGA MILEI's token count may increase over time due to reward distributions. These rewards are minted dynamically as transactions occur, facilitated by the reflection mechanism.

Additionally, users can effectively burn their tokens by transferring them to the liquidity pool, although without a designated burn function. This mechanism contributes to liquidity while potentially reducing the token supply.

Following each transaction, a portion of tokens is burned as a liquidity fee, while another portion is minted as rewards, all orchestrated through the reflection mechanism.

MAGA MILEI structure:

  1. IERC20 interface: Used for ERC-20 tokens.
  2. SafeMath library: Ensures safe arithmetic operations.
  3. abstract contract Context: Retrieves "msg.sender" and "msg.data".
  4. Address library: Contains functions related to address types.
  5. Ownable contract inherits from Context: Manages owner-related operations such as transferOwnership, onlyOwner, owner, etc.
  6. IUniswapV2Factory interface: Creates liquidity pairs with "MAGA MILEI and WBNB".
  7. IUniswapV2Pair interface: Not utilized in MAGA MILEI, but serves as the template for creating new liquidity pairs.
  8. IUniswapV2Router01 interface: Facilitates the use of the Uniswap function addLiquidityETH.
  9. IUniswapV2Router02 is a refinement of IUniswapV2Router01: Used for the Uniswap function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens.
  10. contract CoinToken is Context, IERC20, Ownable contract inherits from Context, IERC20, Ownable: This contract implements the MAGA MILEI tokenomics.


To understand the MAGA MILEI project, it is essential to grasp the fundamentals of PancakeSwap (or Uniswap). This repository provides comprehensive explanations of PancakeSwap concepts, along with additional resources for deeper understanding.

PancakeSwap Introduction Part 1

This section covers the following topics (Link):

  • Centralized Exchange (CEX) and Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
  • Market Maker
  • Automated Market Maker (AMM)
  • Constant Product Formula $( k = x \times y )$
  • PancakeSwap V2 Main Features
    • Token Swap
    • Liquidity Provisioning
      • Providing two tokens to mint LP token
      • Staking LP token
      • Unstaking LP token
      • Burning LP token back to two tokens
    • Oracle
    • Flash Loans

Architecture of PancakeSwap Smart Contracts

PancakeSwap's architecture comprises two main repositories, each containing two primary smart contracts:

  1. Core: Responsible for storing values (tokens) and managing them.

    • Pair: Implements functionality for swapping, minting, and burning tokens.
    • Factory: Facilitates the creation and tracking of pairs.
  2. Periphery: Contains smart contracts that interact with the Core.

    • Router: Facilitates interactions with the Core, providing functionalities such as swapETHForExactTokens, swapExactETHForTokens, etc.
    • Library: Provides functionalities like getReserves, getAmountIn, getAmountOut, etc.

PancakeSwap Introduction Part 2

This section elaborates on the following topics (Link):

  • Pair
  • Mint
  • FeeOn and mintFee
  • Burn
  • Swap
  • Swapping Fee