Manage Orders (Web client)
Built with ❤︎ by Maganez Filho
📌 Table of Contents
- Technologies
- Purpose and Features
- Explanation about the project /src folders environment
- Node, React and Vite versions
- How to Run
- How to use Commitizen
- Found a bug? Missing a specific feature?
- Contributing
- License
💻 Technologies
This project was made using the follow technologies:
🎯 Purpose and Features
- An web project made with React.js and Typescript for studies purpose;
- It has the objective of helping the order management of a restaurant;
- Authentication;
- Validation;
- Database integration;
folders environment
🗂️ Brief explanation about the project folder | description |
@types | shared global types |
assets | global application icons and images |
contexts | shared global contexts |
pages | application pages |
routes | application routes |
services | global setup for custom services |
styles | global application styles |
utils | reusable codes by the application |
👷 Node, React and Vite versions
This project was created using theses versions:
- Node.js (installed version on the machine): 18.13.0
- React.js: 18.2.0
- Vite.js: 3.2.3
👷 How to Run
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn or yarn install
# Run Application
$ yarn dev
Go to http://localhost:5173 to see the result.
👷 How to use Commitizen
# How to use
Instead of using "git commit", use "npm cz" or "yarn cz"
🐛 Issues
Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on this repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!
🎉 Contributing
First of all, thank you for being interested in helping out, your time is always appreciated in every way. 💯
Here's some tips:
- Check the issues page for already opened issues (or maybe even closed ones) that might already address your question/bug/feature request.
- Feature requests are welcomed! Provide some details on why it would be helpful for you and others, explain how you're using bull-board and if possible even some screenshots if you are willing to mock something!
📕 License
Released in 2023.
Made with ❤︎ by Maganez Filho 🚀.
Give a ⭐ if this project helped you!