
Block chain council "Certified Blockchain Developer" TCoin Smart contract for Ethereum


Block chain council "Certified Blockchain Developer" TCoin Smart contract for Ethereum. This is the contract that is being developed at the course provided by the BlockChain Council.

Deploy & test the smart contract

One possibility is to use a Ehereum test network (Ropsten, by instance). In this case, you will need to obtain some ethers from a faucet and deploy your contract... nevertheless I think this is not a very agile method when you are developing and testing your smart contract.

A more versatile option is to set up an Ethereum development network on your local machine:

  1. Install Geth for your os, and make it available in the execution path
  2. Install Mist
  3. Run geth(.exe) --dev --ipcpath geth.ipc console
  4. In the Geth RPEL console, type: personal.newAccount() (this will create the main account in yout development wallet)
  5. Optionally, add new accounts to the development wallet
  6. Start mining: Run miner.stop() , and after that miner.start()
  7. Without closing the Geth RPEL console, open Mist. It should be in private network mode
  8. From the mist GUI you should have a lot of ethers available in the main wallet account. Just check it
  9. Go to the contracts section, deploy new contract option. Select the main wallet account and copy & paste the source code for your smart contract
  10. After the deploy, a new transaction should be started. When the new block is mined, the contract should be avilable in the contracts section
  11. Selecting the deployed contract, you should be able to:
  • Check the smart contract state (inspect the public variables)
  • Invoke the smart contract operations

Obtain Geth

Obtain Mist

More detailed info about how to set up an ethereum local development network can be found here