
Role for Installing/Configuring Nessus Agent

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status


Ansible role for installing and configuring Nessus Agent


Role Variables

  • nessus_agent_key: key used for linking with nessus host (this is a required variable)

  • nessus_agent_group: host group this agent should be added to when linking with nessus host (this is a required variable)

  • nessus_agent_host: nessus host to link with (default: cloud.tenable.com)

  • nessus_agent_port: nessus host port (default: 443)

  • nessus_agent_package: can be either a repository package, path to a file, or a URL (default: NessusAgent)

      nessus_agent_package: nessus-agent
      nessus_agent_package: /tmp/nessus-agent_6.8.1_amd64.deb

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes
     - role: ansible-role-nessus-agent
       nessus_agent_key: xxxxxxxxx
       tags: nessus-agent

Testing Locally

  1. Ensure you have a running Nessus Manager or tenable.io account and agent key.

  2. Install dependencies.

  3. Install Test Kitchen and dependencies.

  4. Download Nessus Agent packages for CentOS 6, CentOS 7, and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04. Put them under test/integration/default/files/.

  5. Create credentials file.

    cp test/integration/default/group_vars/all/secrets.yml.example test/integration/default/group_vars/all/secrets.yml
  6. Fill out tests/group_vars/all/secrets.yml.

  7. Run integration test.

    kitchen create
    kitchen converge
    # when done, run
    kitchen destroy

Author Information

SinglePlatform Engineering


BSD 3-Clause