An N-dimensional spreadsheet with a Vim-inspired grammar.
Up to 9999 axes.
View any two axes as a grid of cells.
Not just the token hjkl to move around, rather an actual language, with counts, motions, operators and objects.
Many commands take a count to perform the command multiple times.
Many commands operate in a direction. And, considering this is an N-dimensional spreadsheet there are up to 9999 axes that the motion can operate on (both 'forward' and 'back' along it).
Actions to perform on objects include add, delete, edit, yank (copy) etc.
Cells, rows, columns, axes, sheets (arbitrary pairings of axes displayed together).
Midas files are just JSON files.
Using Python 3. All cells are python expressions, and all objects are available to be manipulated by these expressions. Obviously this is incredibly flexible and therefore insecure.