
Atom.io Package

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Open in Browser Atom.io Package

Atom Package Atom Package Downloads Build Status (Linux)

MIT License

A very simple Open in Browser Atom.io Package. This allows you to right click and have a menu that will open the current file in your default program. That opens that extension. Files will open in your default browser or application.

v 0.5.0

  • Huge thanks to ldez for the contributions on pull request #34 which solves a few issues some users were having.

v 0.4.7

v 0.4.6

v 0.4.5

  • Had to apply fixes differently because the pull-request was using outdated version.
  • fix deprecations
    • by @andya9

v 0.4.4

v 0.4.3

v 0.4.2

  • Fixes "Open In Browser" not showing up in the workspace context menu

v 0.4.0

Update by "MetaMemoryT"

Now able to right click on tree-view and select "Open in browser"

Update by "mesosteros"

Replace editor class with atom-text-editor tag. Shortcut was conflicting with meteor developers who use Ctrl-Alt-M in Meteor.js packages for Atom, so use Ctrl-Alt-Q instead.