##Play it online
Technologies used: htms, css, javascript, jQuery, GitHub
- 1 Created an empty board
- 2 Determined winning combinnations
- 3 Manually given x and o into the game
- 4 Builded DOM, added basic stale & images
- 5 Connected DOM with java script & jQuery
- 6 Started working on the main function: onClick
- determine whose turn it is
- pushing the choice into an array
- detemining the winner (x, o) or tie
- making sure box can't be chosen twice
- tracking scores
- 7 Added images for x, o and big ones when someone won or there is a tie
- 8 Working on the style: 1 main board and 2 score boards, adding size to all elements
- 9 Starting new game after set out time : 2sec
- 10 Game twist: different images if score >=3;
- 11 Players can choose their turns :)
##Instructions: Hey! its just a tic tac toe so let's not overthink it... :)
- x starts
- chose better than the previous player
- there is a prize for the winner
- there is a level up prize for triple winner
- yes..., even tie wins something
- enjoy!