
A set of desktop tools using Python 3.6 and PyQt5.

Primary LanguagePython


A set of desktop tools using Python 3.6 and PyQt5.

Getting started


To be able to run these files, you will need Python 3.6. You can check your Python version by typing python --version in the command line. In case you don't have this version of Python installed, you can download and install it from here.

You will also need SIP and PyQt5, which you can install by typing pip install sip and pip install qtpy5


For developing this project, I am using PyCharm Community edition on Mac and Windows. PyCharm will allow you to easily reference PyQt via File > Settings > setuptools > PyQt5 In case you would like to learn more about using Python and Qt to delevop native-looking desktop applications, you can contribute to this project. Read CONTRIBUTING.md for further tips on contributing.