Dossier is a commandline-tool to generate personal dossiers from a set of Markdown files. It creates a single print-first HTML-File which can be printed to PDF with your favorite browser. There is also a integration with PDFShift, but it might requires a paid subscription.
Dossier requires PHP 7.2+ and the following extensions enabled:
- Phar
- fileinfo
- mbstring
- Bz2
The easiest way to install dossier is to download the Phar-Archive from the Releases page and copy it somewhere in your $PATH and make it executable. Open a console and type dossier.phar
to see a list of available commands. To find out more about a command type dossier.phar help <command>
Copyright (c) 2018 Marco Grätsch This work is licensed under the MIT-License.