A jQuery-Plugin to perform actions on links to the knights of the stupid german law called "Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverlage". Learn more
This plugin uses this repository to read the domain-blacklist. To use another blacklist set the URL using the domainlist option.
Using bower
bower install jq-lsr --save
<!-- in <head> -->
<link href="path/to/bower_components/jq-lsr/dist/jquery.lsr.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!-- before </body> -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/bower_components/jq-lsr/dist/jquery.lsr.min.js"></script>
Using RawGit CDN
<!-- in <head> -->
<link href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/magdev/jq-lsr/master/jquery.lsr.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!-- before </body> -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/magdev/jq-lsr/master/dist/jquery.lsr.min.js"></script>
The filter can be applied to a and link elements or containers. If the selected target is an anchor-tag, additional actions can be applied to parent elements using the parentSelector option. If the selected target is a container, the parent element is always the container. In the latter case you should be careful with the filterMode remove!
Unlink all matched links on the page
Confirm all matched links in a container
<div data-filter="lsr" data-filter-mode="confirm">
<!-- content -->
Remove Paragraphs within a container which contain matched links
$('.container a').lsr({
filterMode: 'remove',
parentSelector: 'p'
Remove an entire container which contains matched links
filterMode: 'remove'
Disable all matched links within a container and display a warning alert
onFilterMatch: function($el, $parent, url, domain) {
$el.off('click').click(function(ev) {
alert('You really shouln\'t read this crap!');
Log blacklist updates to the console
onUpdateList: function(data, ts, url, status) {
// Source-URL pointing to a blacklist, will be stored locally
domainlist: 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/magdev/leistungsschutzgelderpresser/master/domains.json',
// Update interval, can be off, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly
updateInterval: 'weekly',
// Force an update
forceUpdate: false,
// Enable debug-mode
debug: false,
// Handler for matched links
onFilterMatch: onFilterMatch,
// Do something after the list has been updated
onUpdateList: onUpdateList,
// Predefined filters, can be unlink, marker, warning, remove or confirm
filterMode: 'unlink',
// Apply action to a parent element
parentSelector: null,
// Class to add to links
elementClass: 'lsr-link',
// Class to add to parent elements
parentClass: 'lsr-link-parent',
// Class for warning message
warningClass: 'lsr-warning',
// Class for message on removed content
messageClass: 'lsr-message',
// Language specific strings
// All strings may contain the placeholders ##domain## and ##url##
lang: {
// Tooltip on unlinked strings
link_removed: 'Link removed',
// Message for removed contents, set to null for no message
content_removed: 'Content removed',
// Warning message
warning: 'WARNING! Contains LSR-related Links',
// Confirmation message
confirm: 'The link goes to ##domain##! Are you sure you want to follow this link?'
- Automated tests
- Apply styles to examples
- Error-Handling
This software is released under the MIT-License