- 1
«Dfe\CurrencyFormat\Plugin\Framework\Pricing\Render\Amount::beforeFormatCurrency(): Argument #4 ($precision) must be of type int, null given»
#15 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 2
«Dfe\CurrencyFormat\Plugin\Directory\Model\Currency::aroundFormatPrecision(): Argument #4 ($precision) must be of type int, null given»
#14 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 0
«Dfe\CurrencyFormat\Plugin\Framework\Pricing\PriceCurrencyInterface::beforeFormat(): Argument #2 ($a) must be of type float, null given»
#13 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 0
«Dfe\CurrencyFormat\Plugin\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Initialization\Helper\AttributeFilter::parse(): Argument #1 ($r) must be of type string, null given, called in vendor/mage2pro/currency-format/Plugin/Catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Initialization/Helper/AttributeFilter.php on line 30»
#12 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 0
«TypeError: Dfe\CurrencyFormat\Plugin\Directory\Model\Currency::aroundFormat(): Argument #3 ($price) must be of type float, null given»
#11 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 0
- 3
Error: Call to undefined method Df\Config\A::options() in mage2pro/currency-format/Plugin/Directory/Model/Currency.php:92
#9 opened by Kjellmann - 3
«The store's database contains incorrect data for the ««Mage2.PRO» → «Currency» → «Format» → «» → «»» option. The data for this options are reset.»
#8 opened by VivekM296 - 0
Too much bloat in mage2pro/core
#6 opened by Zyles - 3
What are the DF_**** Modules?
#5 opened by IbrahimS2 - 3
If a comma is used as a thousands separator, then a product's price is incorrectly saved on the product's save
#2 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 2
A conflict with Webkul Marketplace: «Invalid method: Df\Config\A::options» on the backend customer screen
#4 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 1
- 3
«Cannot use Df\Payment\Operation\Source as Source because the name is already in use in mage2pro/core/Payment/Operation.php on line 6»
#1 opened by krisnotchris