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Use in combination with PageBuilder
#6 opened by memen45 - 1
Can't save new CMS block
#4 opened by ljudalj-orot - 1
Magento 2.3: «Something went wrong with processing current custom view and filters have been reset to its original state. Please edit filters then click apply.»
#3 opened by dmitrii-fediuk - 1
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A Magento 2.2 failure while saving a product in the backend: «Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`store`.`dfe_markdown_product`, CONSTRAINT `dfe_markdown_product_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`value_id`) REFERENCES `catalog_product_entity_text` (`value_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE), query was: INSERT INTO `dfe_markdown_product` (`value_id`, `markdown`) VALUES (?, ?)»
#1 opened by dmitrii-fediuk