
This is a local directory prototype pulling data from CityGrid Places and Advertising API.

I needed to learn more about the CityGrid APIs.  What better way than actually build a prototype.  I thought it would be good to have a simple local directory that could be deployed all by itself, or as part of another web site.

I wanted the directory to look good, without having to do any graphic design, so I used Twitter Bootstrap for the user interface (UI).  

I put together five pages, allowing you to browse some local business categories in West Hollywood, CA.


The site doesn't use a database, it makes calls to the CityGrid APIs in real-ime using cURL, for every search and pulling every business listing page.  The left hand menu of categories pulls a JSON object from the /system/business-categories-datastore.txt

It uses a header.php and footer.php driven from a template I put together using Twitter Bootstrap.  

The ca-bundle.crt is used for making SSL curl calls.

There is a citygrid and two flickr php classes in /system.

Thats it.  This project is meant to just be a starter project.  For me and for you.  I will be adding features to it as I can.  


Twitter BootStrap - http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
CityGrid Publisher Code - http://developer.citygridmedia.com/
Flickr API Key - http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html

Just download this Local Directory, Twitter Bootstrap, add your CityGrid Publisher Code and Flickr API Key and the site will fire up.

You can then change the CSS, HTML Layouts as needed.

If you have questions ping my @citygridapiteam or @kinlane