This software implements an algorithm for redundancy removal, as presented at the Conference on Decision and Control in Miami, Fl, USA, in Dec 2018. See the paper Emil Klintberg, Magnus Nilsson, Lars Johannesson Mårdh, Ankit Gupta. "A primal active-set minimal representation algorithm for polytopes with application to invariant-set calculations". To cite this work with BibTeX, use @InProceedings {prim_act_set_alg_2018, author={Emil Klintberg, Magnus Nilsson, Lars Johannesson M{\aa}rdh}, Ankit Gupta, title={{A primal active-set minimal representation algorithm for polytopes with application to invariant-set calculations}}, booktitle={Proc.~of the Conference on Decision and Control}, year={2018}, address={Miami, Florida, USA}, month={December 19--21}, pages = {}, }
A fast minimal-representation algorithm (in Matlab)